[FREE WEBINAR] I’m excited to show you a little leg this week!

by | Jun 12, 2017 | Business-Building Resources

As you know, I’m all about covering your legal buns so you’ll never get into a Legal Pickle™.

While I love sharing how to cover your buns, I’m showing you a little leg this week!

Yep! I’ve been asked to hike up my skirt a bit (no, not THAT far!) to reveal a little about how I run my business like a well-oiled machine by using one of my favorite biz tools…Simplero.

Simplero is the online platform where I host and send invoices, email marketing, DIY templates and legal courses, affiliate info, and more!

A couple of years ago I was an Ontraport fan. But I switched to Simplero. Why?

Because they host EVERYTHING in one place, do it cheaper than Ontraport (and the other “big” companies), and have the BEST & most responsive customer service team.

Not only that, but I met Calvin Correli, Simplero’s founder, through B-School and Simplero is his baby. Calvin is a software genius, coach, and an incredibly successful owner of businesses here in the US and in his native Denmark.

That’s why I’m excited to be the featured guest on this FREE webinar about Simplero on Wednesday, June 14th at 12 pm ET.

If you’re ready to make the jump from sending out e-mails with your course content as attachments, or – like me – you’re tired of the “big” online platforms charging you $300/month, then you’ll want to come see how Simplero can up your game and downsize your monthly expenses.

Candace Holmes from Simplero will be discussing how Simplero can support you in taking your business to the next level. She’ll have special offers (discounts!!) for anyone who signs up for Simplero’s services through the webinar.

And, in full disclosure, I’m an affiliate for Simplero – but here’s the thing, I used it for 2 FULL YEARS and recommended it to everyone before I even signed up as an affiliate! I was a fan right from the start – and I still am!

Be sure to join us for this LIVE webinar to learn how Simplero can save you money. And oh! They’ll also be offering a very special bonus!

Join us here.