FREE LEGAL DOCS today on my Facebook Live

by | Aug 9, 2017 | Business-Building Resources

Today’s the day!

It’s my first Facebook Live – and I’m doing it with the lovely Carolin Soldo – TODAY at 3pm ET!

When you’re pressed for time, you want the bottom line so here’s the scoop:

We’re going to share…

  • How to scale your business as quickly as possible (yes, let’s be honest here –  it does take some organization and work, but she gives the lowdown on ways to do it FASTER.)
  • The exact legal documents that protect you as you scale your business.
  • How to get the most generous legal bonus I’ve ever given – 4 FREE legal documents.



We’re also going to tell you about Carolin’s live event coming up in Las Vegas at the Bellagio hotel – yes, the Bellagio! #glam

I’ll share a special fast-action offer to attend as a VIP for just $97! But it’s just for the first 8 people who sign up.

If you purchase one of these 8 VIP tickets on the Facebook Live – you will receive 4 FREE LEGAL DOCS from me! (A $1,588 value!)

Join us if you’re drawn towards wanting a:

  • LEVERAGED business model with time back on your busy schedule
  • TEAM you can rely on so you can stop the “one-woman hustle”
  • AUTOMATED process that gives you consistent growth
  • STAR QUALITY confidence and feminine leadership

Take these 2 steps to attend the Facebook Live:

Step 1: Like my Facebook page HERE so you will be ready to join us today at 3 pm ET.

Step 2: Join Carolin and me for the Facebook LIVE TODAY at 3 pm ET right here to get the coupon code.

(You’ll have to attend LIVE to get the coupon code for the special coupon rate and 4 free legal documents.)

I am excited to SEE you live!!