[NEW Free Webinar] From Website Worrier to Website Warrior

by | Sep 18, 2017 | Blog, Business-Building Resources

Are you a Website Worrier?

Are you someone who has a website, but you’re reeeeaaallly not sure if your buns are covered?

You may be worried that you don’t have any language on your website to protect your content and images…

Or you could be afraid someone’s going to steal your stuff.

Rest assured, you are not alone. This is a common feeling.  But it doesn’t feel good.

You feel like a “Website Worrier” when all you want to do is feel like a “Website Warrior” – someone who feels confident putting your website out there without worrying that you have the right disclaimer language on your site – or ENOUGH language – to cover you.

You want to feel strong, confident and ready to share your website so you can feel like Wonder Woman!

Okay, maybe Wonder Woman’s a little too much…though I do love Wonder Woman. (My friends threw me a Wonder Woman-themed bridal shower 13 years ago – waaaay before the movie came out.)

But here’s the thing…

When you become a “Website Warrior”, you can:

  • feel safe having the right language and documents in place.
  • legally protect your content and images.
  • stand strong knowing you can fall back on your language if someone takes your stuff.
  • be confident putting your website out there.

That’s why my Legal Wonder Twin Gena Shingle Jaffe and I are hosting a new free webinar on Tuesday, September 26 at 11 am PT/2 pm ET.


This webinar is the first of our NEW 3 part webinar series to spread the sparkle and the soul to your biz and to launch our fall version of our Damsel goes bare™ course.

Join us for the webinar to go from Website Worrier to Website Warrior this Tuesday, September 26.

And be sure to join us LIVE because we’re giving a very special BONUS only to webinar attendees. Yep! (This is a BIG ONE. You don’t want to miss it!)

When you register you’ll also be able to join us for all three webinars in the series, including these (mark your calendar!):

  • Webinar #2 – From Contract Catastrophe to Contract Clarity: Protect your work and your income – Tuesday, October 3 at 2pm ET
  • Webinar #3 – From Profit Problems to Profit Protected: Protect your money and your assets – Thursday, October 5 at 2pm ET

In each webinar, you’ll walk away with powerful legal information that you can use right away, and you’ll also hear about our signature legal course, Damsel goes bare™, the LIVE course – and self-study version – for small business babes who like their legal knowledge served up with a side of personalized soul and sparkle.

Save your seat for the webinar here.

(If you truly can’t make it live, the webinar will be recorded. But you’ll miss out on our special bonus so plan to join us LIVE!)

Want to get even more scoop about website protection? Gena and I are hosting a Facebook Live on my Facebook page here on Monday, September 25 at 4pm ET to share the “Top 2 Tips To Be A Website Warrior”.
