How I shifted my approach to marketing

by | Jul 16, 2021 | Business-Building Resources

For years it felt overwhelming to me to create an e-newsletter marketing calendar, social media planner, and all the online stuff you hear about.

The whole marketing piece felt so unclear. It was vague to me how to do online programs or marketing for so many years. I truly had no clue how to do it.

But, my whole business approach and attitude towards marketing dramatically changed after I took B-School.

When I discovered Marie Forleo’s B-School in 2013, I learned that marketing didn’t have to feel like a chore or something I “have” to do. It could be ease-filled and organized – which is exactly what I wanted to feel.

In B-School, Marie said when you start running your business like a “pro” and communicating with potential clients regularly through your newsletters, opt-in gifts, blog posts, website and social media, doors will open for you. She was right. That’s what happened for me.

Once I hunkered down, I created a marketing strategy that includes:

writing a weekly e-newsletter with (free!) legal tips that I send out every Monday

creating a (free!) opt-in gift to help people know the #1 way not to lose money in their business (psst! It has to do with having a strong refund policy and what it needs to include)

sharing parts of my personal life on social media like my hubby, traveling, hiking and friends so people can “know, like and trust” me and understand my values

not being afraid to directly say “here are the ways I can help you” and include links to my podcast, DIY legal templates, courses and services

being interviewed as a legal guest expert on literally hundreds of podcasts & webinars and sharing (free!) legal tips for other coaches, entrepreneurs and practitioners and their clients

Before B-School, I really didn’t know how to do any of those things.

Even though they are all “marketing strategies”, they feel really fun to me –  especially because so many of them come from a place of service where I’m giving and sharing legal tips for completely free, at no cost to anyone.

It feels good to have a consistent marketing plan that I can create and deliver day after day, week after week, with the help, organization and talent of my right-hand COO, Heather Lienenbrugger.

Feeling like you want to market in a way that feels good to you too?

Check out Marie’s 13 secrets to heart-centered, effective marketing in this free video HERE.



I hope you’re as inspired by Marie as I am. I think you’re going to like this new video series to help you market your business in a way that feels good.

Here’s to building a business (and lifestyle!) you love! 


P.S.  I fully believe in the power of B-School and Marie’s videos based on my personal experience. In full disclosure (like a good lawyer!), I need to tell you that I’ll earn a referral fee if you choose to sign up for B-School through my link, but you should know that Marie’s videos and course are AMAZING. I wouldn’t promote Marie’s work unless I had experienced the results myself. Promise.