If I can do it, so can you!
I had a client tell me the other day, “Lisa! I want to build my business to be as successful as yours one day. How did you do it?”
Ah, that was such a beautiful compliment. And such a great question…. Do you know what I told her?
“You can totally be as successful as I am – and even MORE successful. I’m not any more special than you.”
True statement.
If I can do it, so can she. (And so can you, by the way.)
I did have to do some terrifying things like getting visible and speaking my truth on stage about my unique approach to the law that made me stand out and raised my business to the next level.
Sometimes I did it on purpose, like when I spoke on stage at Carolin Soldo’s “From Passion to Profits” event at the Bellagio in Las Vegas, at Chantelle Adams’ “Center State Live” training, and at Jonathan Fields’ “Camp GLP” workshop in Rock Hill, NY.
Sometimes it was a total accident, like when I ran into my former coach Stacey Morgenstern at JJ Virgin’s Mindshare Summit and she invited me to share my story at her HCI Live Event in front of 800 people in Dallas a few weeks ago! (Yikes – that was a big crowd. I didn’t plan on that.)
Here I am at the event with my coaches Carey Peters & Stacey Morgenstern:
And now I have a way to share more about how I grew my business by speaking on stage with you…
My good friend & colleague Amanda Moxley has selected over 22 leading experts (including yours truly!) in the Speak Your Way To Success Summit from December 11 – 22:
I ran into Amanda at Carolin Soldo’s event in Las Vegas and we reconnected after meeting 5 years ago! I was honored to be asked to be part of her free online training about Top Success Strategies to Speak, Sell & Share Your Message on Stage, Video & Livestreams to Impact Millions & Make Millions in 2018. Amanda has a BIG message to share – and she wants to help you share yours.
Save your seat for Amanda’s free online training here.
In this virtual series you’ll learn:
- How to fill events, workshops, retreats webinars and live streams with raving fans who adore you
- Ways to increase organic engagement with your community leading to higher sales conversions & connections
- Secrets to amping up your visibility to stand out, be seen and heard both online and offline
- How to get featured in the Media without hiring a PR firm
- How to be more magnetic on camera, video, and stage to help you call in your tribe
- Fun mindset hacks to uplevel your ability to RECEIVE more money, speaking gigs and clients
- And so much more!
Register for the Speak Your Way To Success Summit here.
When it comes to speaking, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Join us to learn some simple, practical steps that have worked for me and for other speakers generously offering their time and experience to share their nuggets of wisdom. I hope you enjoy it!
‘Tis the season to be jolly! Need a holiday gift for your team (and a bonus)?
Order 5 paperback copies of my book “Easy Legal Steps” on Amazon for your team, clients, or friends and you’ll receive a FREE 30-Minute Power Hour just for YOU to ask questions and get legal clarity.
What’s even better? Purchase 10 books and receive a FREE 1-Hour Power Hour for even more holiday cheer!
How to get your FREE 30-Minute or 1-Hour Power Hour:
1. Order your 5 or 10 books at lisafraley.com/book or directly on Amazon here.
2. Then send your receipt to lisa@lisafraley.com showing your purchase.
Offer is valid through December 15, 2017 at 11:59pm PT.