It’s about the money, honey!

by | Apr 10, 2018 | Business-Building Resources

I’ve had to grow extensively over the past several years in one big area. Can you guess?

I’ve talked (and written!) a lot about needing to grow around visibility and vulnerability, but this time, I’m referring to…

M O N E Y.

Yep – it’s about the money, honey!

Not only have I had to stretch myself around ASKING for money, but I’ve also had to work hard at RECEIVING more money.

That sounds crazy, right?

I’ve always wanted more money but never did I realize that I had to get more comfortable receiving more money and watching my bank account rise for the work that I was doing.

Yes, for the work that I was doing!

Not the work that I did for the law firm. Not for the non-profits I used to work for. Not for the college I used to work for. But for me – ME! For the work that I was doing for my OWN business!

Why can asking for money in our own business – and RECEIVING money – feel so hard?

I know I’ve struggled to feel more confident in charging what I’m worth (whatever that means), and to freely allow abundance into my life in exchange for doing work I love.

I’ve struggled with working a million hours (no problem with a strong work ethic here!)  and feeling on the brink of burnout (what’s “self-care” again?).

That’s why I am such a fan of Denise Duffield-Thomas and her Money Bootcamp course.

You may know Denise. In only a few short years, she’s created a multi-million dollar enterprise from scratch (while raising a family!) – and just landed a 3-book deal with Hay House (yes, HAY HOUSE!) after self-publishing her own book three times. Amazing!

She’s an award-winning speaker and money mentor to tens of thousands of online entrepreneurs… including me.

And what I love about Denise is that she’s helped over 4,000 women clear their money blocks, transform their money mindsets, and collectively earn millions more in income, all while having a lot more joy and ease in their lives in a spiritual but no nonsense way.

What Denise has discovered – and that I’m still working on myself – is that money follows mindset.

You may have heard that before.

But, what Denise teaches so well is that when you have hidden (or obvious) blocks around money, you can have the best marketing, the fanciest website, and the greatest business idea — and you’ll STILL have to work really hard to ask for and receive money.

Yet, once you learn to break through your money blocks, abundance and money begins to flow toward you easily and with less struggle. I’ve certainly found that to be true for me.

I wanted to share with you Denise’s free Money Mindset Workshop (which is available for only a short time!) to help you move forward with transforming YOUR money mindset. (This is a lead in to her Money Bootcamp course which is AMAZING!)

Click here to watch this video to hear Denise share the 3 mistakes she sees entrepreneurs make that keep them broke and exhausted — and how to eliminate them.



Denise shares how to eliminate these 3 money mistakes most entrepreneurs make – and in a fresh way that feels easy and actually fun. #truth

Money mindset is a lot like building a business. You chip away at it one block at a time. Denise’s video and her Money Bootcamp course are a good ways to take your mindset work to the next level.

I know that I’m still working on my own money mindset, even with a “successful” (again, whatever that means!)  multi-6-figure business. With each new layer of success comes another peeling of a layer of the mindset onion. It’s not a do-it-once-and-stop-there kind of thing. It’s an ongoing process. #newlevelnewdevil

Money mindset work is about opening yourself up to receiving even more than you did yesterday – and then to do it again and again and again, each and every day thereafter. I don’t know about you, but I need all the help I can get.

Watch the Money Mindset Workshop to boost your money mindset right now.

It’s no charge. Consider it a gift to yourself to boost your bank account. The gift that keeps on giving!

The Money Mindset Workshop is only available for a few days, so be sure to watch it now so you don’t miss out. And there’s a BONUS: Download Denise’s hands-on “Reclaim Your Money Power” e-book which you’ll find right under the video.

I fully believe in the power of Denise’s work given my personal experience with the Money Bootcamp course, community and experience. In full disclosure (like a good lawyer!), I need to tell you that I’ll earn a referral fee if you choose to sign up for Money Bootcamp through these  links, but you should know that these videos and this course is AMAZING and I wouldn’t promote Denise’s work unless I fully believed in it. Promise.