As we begin a fresh start with the New Year, most of us probably have a few things that we want to leave behind in 2016.

Things we wished didn’t happen.
Like snacking on potato chips instead of choosing a crisp crunchy apple. (Who me?)

Things we wished we wouldn’t have done.
Like making an offer that just didn’t feel 100% right. (Yep, that happened.)

Things we don’t want to repeat.
Like too many hours typing on the computer and not enough time hiking the miles of trails right out my backdoor. (#lovemaine)

In my experience, regret can be a powerful teacher. Not to dwell on it, of course – but to serve as a contrast to what we REALLY want, and to help us identify the lessons we’ve learned along the way.

So it’s not by chance Amy Lippmann’s article where I share my lessons learned as a biz owner is now LIVE on her blog. #divinetiming

If you don’t know Amy, she’s a health coach turned ah-mazing marketing guru. Seriously. Amy’s top notch. Though we hadn’t met until recently, I‘ve known of Amy since 2011 – because I knew she was a BIG part of creating the marketing strategies for Carey Peters, Andrea Nakayama, Angelina DeWeese and lotsa #rockstar health coaches early on in their businesses.

Amy wanted to compile lessons learned since starting a business – and I was happy to contribute.

Granted, my “first year of business” full-time was in 2013, but I immediately wanted to share what I‘ve learned to help others compress time and cut to the chase. Here’s a snippet:

Amy: “What was one of your main goals in your first year of business?”

Me: “It was definitely to make 6-figures. I had left my full-time job [in 2013] and it was SCARY to not have a reliable source of income to fall back on. I was determined to make at least $10k per month – and I exceeded it (not by a ton, but I exceeded it!).”

Amy: “How did you achieve it?”

Me: “I achieved it by using 6 steps and strategies which were highly effective for me.” Click here to read Amy’s blog post and learn my 6 strategies for achieving my goals when I started out – what I say about working with private coaches, hiring my team, and offering free discovery calls.

(BTW, there’s no sales pitch here, friends – just great advice and pure love from Amy, me and 5 other wellness entrepreneurs about how to build a successful biz – including my dear friends Alyssa Rushton, Kathleen LeGrys, and Carmen Hunter.)

For example, here’s a sneak peek into my biggest lesson #3 about staying in your lane:


Want to hear more and learn the rest of my biz tips? Check out Amy’s post here.

I don’t know about you, but I am all about sharing pixie dust and magic tricks that save time and money, helping each other out, and finding the best stuff to use in your biz.

So, I’m curious…

  • What biz lessons have you learned in the past year – or since you started your biz – that you would share with a newbie?
  • What are your fave shortcuts and time-compressors that you know now, but WISH you knew from Day 1?
  • Which of my 6 strategies from the article resonate most for you?

I’d love for you to share your golden nuggets of knowledge below.

Here’s to sharing your biz wisdom with beloved biz owners, helping out your fellow-preneurs and compressing time (no time machine needed)!

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As you apply new biz lessons in the coming year, don’t forget to cover your buns with legal docs to protect your income, boost your boundaries, and raise your biz vibe. Check out my easy legal templates HERE to get legally protected 24/7 while saving time, cash, and stress – so you can give more, earn more, and be more!

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Lessons I’ve Learned Since Starting Full-Time

by | Jan 12, 2017 | Business-Building Resources, DIY Legal Templates