Make huge progress on the things that matter

by | Nov 7, 2016 | Blog, Business-Building Resources

As entrepreneurs (especially creative and visionary entrepreneurs!) we have a million different things we want to create – and we aren’t always as productive as we could be.

A new online course.
A live workshop.
A podcast.
A book.
A speaking gig.
A bunch of affiliates.
And so much more – ALL at the same time!!

They’re in our heads and on our vision boards – but it can be sooooooo hard to figure out what to focus on first, how to find the time and not get distracted by shiny objects.

That’s why I’m so excited to introduce you to my old friend and productivity expert, Eliot Wajskol.

Much to my surprise, he signed up as one of the Gents in the Damsel goes bare™ legal course that Gena and I offered as a B-School bonus. I have always respected his work and his work ethic. Oh, and he got his MBA from Duke. #smartcookie

But, Eliot’s not your typical entrepreneur. He’s spent 15 years in the corporate world coaching and guiding corporate startups, small businesses and HUGE companies like Nike, Microsoft, Lexus, Pepsi and Charles Schwab, helping them turn their ideas  into actions and results. (Amazing, right?)

Eliot’s a master executor. He’s created a way to get laser-focused and find more hours in your day – so you can actually get things done. #forreal


So, if you’re:

  • overwhelmed with competing priorities (who isn’t?)
  • not sure where to focus
  • getting off track
  • getting stuck often
  • unable to complete really big things consistently

Then you really need to watch Eliot’s webinar.

In this on-demand webinar, Eliot outlines:

  • the single most important hour that you can spend every single week
  • personal productivity secrets of the world’s best business builders
  • how to make big process on the things that matter (starting next week!)
  • his Magnificent Execution system that turns ideas into results

Imagine, starting each week with crystal clarity about what you need to accomplish…and knowing what you can let slide.

Imagine accomplishing big things that matter every week – 52 weeks a year!

Click right here to access Eliot’s Magnificent Execution on-demand webinar.

Here’s to spending your time more productively – and to executing magnificently!


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Watch this webinar today, and then join Randi Dukoff and me this Wednesday, November 9 at 7 pm ET, for our “From Real Fears to Real Results” Master Class and learn how we achieved powerful results despite our self-imposed limitations.
Register HERE