[Podcast episode] 3 Legal Steps to Protect Yourself as a Health Coach

by | Oct 20, 2023 | Business-Building Resources

I’m here in my home office snacking on some delicious Midnight Moon goat cheese from Whole Foods🧀 and it dawned on me to share this you….

Here are some (real!) comments health coaches have written to me lately on their Legal Chat Prep Sheets about why they’re seeking legal help:

“I don’t feel comfortable operating without an LLC, client agreements, or disclaimers.”

“Knowing what I can and can’t legally say will make me feel confident that I can serve my clients well.”

“How do I cover myself and feel protected when clients share lab results with me? I need to understand the laws.”

“I want to provide safety and security for myself and my business.”

“I’m in the very early stages of my business and I can’t move forward until I get answers to these legal questions.”

Notice the common themes about what health coaches want?

🤗 Comfort.
🎯 Confidence.
⚖️ Coverage.
🪬 Protection.
🦺 Safety.
🛟 Security.
➡️ Movement.

I hear these same desires from health coaches all the time (and from lots of peeps in other professions too.)

You may have these same concerns and hold back because you don’t know how to protect yourself legally.

You might be wondering what legal docs you need at this stage of your business.🤔

You might ask if you even NEED legal protection yet…especially if you’re starting out.

I get that the legal stuff can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to.

That’s why I was thrilled to be a guest on The Marketing for Health Coaches Podcast, hosted by Amy Lippmann, to share key legal steps for health coaches and wellness professionals.



In my conversation with Amy, you’ll learn:

  • The biggest mistake that health coaches make when it comes to the law.
  • The 2 legal docs you want to have in place, even if you’re a new coach.
  • The important first 3 steps to take that will protect you legally and financially.

Listen to Episode #21 “How to Protect Yourself Legally as a Health Coach” here.

(Psst! Even if you’re not a health coach, these legal steps can help you too.)❣️

So grab yourself some yummy goat cheese (or your favorite snack!) and tune in to this quick episode.

You’ll get clarity about some key legal protections so you can stop holding back and feel safe, secure, confident, and empowered in your biz.