Health Coaches: NEW Legal Starter Kit! (save money & cover your buns!)

by | Jun 21, 2017 | Legal Starter Kit

I’m guessing that at some point you’ve thought that legal documents have felt overwhelming, intimidating, and boring. (Not gonna lie, some can be!)

Maybe the legal parts of your business are the last thing you want to deal with. (I totally get that.)

Maybe you haven’t found a lawyer who gets you and your business and who can teach you about the law in plain English. (You’re not alone!)

Lucky for you (and for me!), I’m all about turning legalese into legal EASE because I don’t want you to suffer when getting legally covered. Ever. That would break my heart. #legallove

The first thing I want you to know is that legal documents don’t have to be cold or scary at all.

To help you feel comfortable and confident about covering your legal buns, I’ve begun bundling DIY legal documents together into Legal Starter Kits. Why? To save you money and make it easier to know which DIY legal templates that you need.

The first Legal Starter Kit is now available…and it’s designed for Health Coaches!



The Health Coach Legal Starter Kit is right for you if you’re a Health Coach or holistic practitioner and:

  • You’re just starting out or you haven’t gotten your legal ducks in a row
  • You coach 1-on-1 clients
  • You have a website (or planning to launch one soon!)
  • You have a program guide or materials where you need a disclaimer

What is it?

The Health Coach Legal Starter Kit for 1-on-1 Coaching gives you the 3 DIY legal documents that you need to get in place first as a Health Coach. It includes:

  • DIY Website Disclaimer – to give your website detailed, thorough language that disclaims your liability so people don’t get confused about what you do and come after you.
  • DIY Client Agreement – to use with 1-on-1 clients that spells out your client policies so clients show up and pay you!
  • DIY Mini-Disclaimer – to protect your PDFs, program guides, event handouts, Powerpoint slides, and on your social media page sidebars.

Why do you need it?

So people don’t get confused about what you do and come after you.
So you can have detailed, thorough language that disclaims your liability.
So you and your clients have ALL of the details in writing.
So your clients SHOW UP FOR YOU at their best – and PAY YOU.
So you have tight legal language to fall back in writing.

And you can feel safe, secure, confident and empowered to create anything that you want!

What’s included?

The Health Coach Legal Starter Kit includes the DIY Mini-Disclaimer, DIY Website Disclaimer and the DIY Client Agreement.  AND, because it’s a bundle, you get the DIY Mini-Disclaimer for FREE (save $97)!

Each DIY template includes a Legal Template and Audio Guide to help you get legally covered faster than watching an episode of “Orange Is The New Black”. (The new season is amazing!)

Learn how you can SAVE MONEY with the Health Coach Legal Starter Kit here and get the DIY Mini-Disclaimer for FREE!

Take a look at what these savvy Health Coaches had to say about getting legally covered:

Have questions about the Health Coach Legal Starter Kit? No worries – just comment below and I can help!

Here’s to getting legally covered with a Legal Starter Kit!

Need a Health Coach Starter Kit for a Group Program or Online Course? We have one for that too! Click here.