Legal Starter Kit

Introducing Legal Starter Kit #4: Medical Practice

Introducing Legal Starter Kit #4: Medical Practice

When we introduced Legal Starter Kits several years ago, we had so many people say “Wow! You’ve made it so easy to get what I need for what I do!” We already have 3 Kits specifically for health coaches, holistic practitioners, business coaches, and all kinds of...

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How legal documents catch you before you fall

How legal documents catch you before you fall

There’s a strange relationship between risk and safety when it comes to biz… I call it “The Paradox of Safety and Risk”: We need to feel safe FIRST… otherwise we don’t take RISKS to grow. Like how we think about creating a new course, but we let tech get in the way...

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Finally ready to launch your online course? Do this first.

Finally ready to launch your online course? Do this first.

2020 has been quite a year, hasn’t it? In the midst of trying to stay healthy and adapt to everyone being home ALL DAY, we’ve had to do business differently. After I had grabbed my steaming hot cup of green tea the other day, I opened my email and got a message from...

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How to protect your online course this Fall

How to protect your online course this Fall

My team and I have had countless Legal Chats during these past 6 months with biz owners wanting to create a group program or online course for the first time. Their first question is “What legal document do I need?” When we probe deeper they say, “I’m worried about...

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Legal Starter Kit for Small Groups & Masterminds

Do you have a small group or mastermind with a combination of1-on-1 coaching and group calls? Do you have a website (or are planning to do so soon?) Are you on social media? Cover your buns with these first legal steps you need: Legal Starter Kit #3:  Small Groups...

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