Taking Stock of 2020 – What I’m Feeling Proud & Grateful For…

by | Dec 28, 2020 | Business-Building Resources

I think we’re all ready to say a final goodbye to 2020 and to usher in a brand new year.

While I missed being live and in person with so many friends, family, clients and communities over this past year, Scott and I did realize we accomplished some pretty amazing things in our personal lives during COVID.

“Taking Stock of 2020” List… for which we are feeling proud and grateful:



  • Traveling to Europe twice (pre-COVID!)

You know how much we love to travel! Fortunately, we went on a 21-day vacation to southern Germany & Florence, Italy last December/January…pre-COVID! A few weeks later Scott went back to Germany in early February to be with his daughter Meghan while she had jaw surgery. (She’s fine!)

  • Becoming 100% debt-free.

This was a HUGE goal on our to do list for years. We worked diligently for YEARS to pay off our mortgage, old car loan, boat loan, and home equity loan. We made it a priority to have no credit card debt. We now pay our credit card bills in full each month and we also contribute to savings, investments and retirement accounts monthly. NEVER did I EVER think it would be possible for ‘this girl’ who used to have $70,000 of debt. (Believe me, if I can do it…so can you!)

  • Purchasing 2 brand new cars… paid in full with cash.

My hubby is a “truck guy” so he bought a new truck, and I just bought a little white Audi Q3. (She’s a small, cute subcompact SUV and I just love her!)

  • Renovating our master bathroom and upgrading the guest bathroom.

This was the COVID project that never-ended. It took 5 months (instead of 3!) but we now have Scott’s mega-dream-shower and a higher vibe guest bathroom. Yes, it was WAY over-budget – like all house projects seem to be! – but we didn’t take on any debt and paid it all in full too. #relief

Scott and I actually really didn’t realize we had done all of these things until we were on a hike one day and started listing what personal accomplishments we could be grateful for during this nutty year.

As you take stock of 2020, you might surprise yourself and discover that you accomplished more than you thought you did too. 

Grab your journal and jot down some quick answers to these questions:

1. What can you be PROUD of yourself for doing in 2020?

Even if the ONLY thing on your list is “homeschooling my kids”, that’s QUITE an accomplishment! Pat yourself on the back for what you accomplished, however big or small to you. It all adds up!

We focused on our personal lives, but, of course, you can list your professional accomplishments too.

On the professional front, I’m grateful for the leadership and support of my right-hand Heather Lienenbrugger and our core team members of Rachel, Michelle and Katrina who allowed us to be more responsive and flexible to your needs…like by creating the DIY COVID Release & Waiver for Services this past Spring and the DIY Client Agreement for a Single Session, DIY Client Agreement (for use by Energy Practitioners Only), DIY HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices, DIY HIPAA Medical Records Release Form and DIY Certification Agreement as the year progressed.

2. What can you be GRATEFUL for (amidst this totally crazy year we just had)?

More home cooked meals? More hikes outside? More time together with your family under one roof (though I realize this one can be an “and” – it can be stressful to all be together 24/7 too!) More time on the couch watching everything from “Tiger King” to The Queen’s Gambit”?

There are soooo many things to be thankful for, even this year.

Take stock of 2020 and really acknowledge all you did. Be proud and grateful. Then get ready for a new year ahead.

A brand new calendar page. A new energy. A renewed spirit. A fresh start.

We’re not out of the COVID woods just yet…but the end is coming closer. It’s getting lighter and lighter every day.

Here’s to celebrating your successes in 2020 and to the lightness of a brand new year ahead! I see you, I celebrate you, and I honor you!