This ritual changes EVERYTHING about what’s possible for the New Year.

by | Jan 2, 2018 | Blog, Business-Building Resources

Happy New Year!  

If you’re like me, you’re digging out your running shoes, drinking hot lemon water to detox from all the holiday goodies, and dusting off the ol’ MacAir to get back to work.

This time of year is a great time to get focused on personal and work goals.

But getting focused is MORE than just setting goals and intentions.

My dear friend (and the coach for coaches) Jeannine “Jey” Yoder gets focused by choosing a theme for the year.

She says that having a theme is a powerful lens for healing and expansion.

By directing our focus through this theme, we can concentrate the power of intention in one key area and become a true leader in that area of our life.

But how the heck do you choose a theme?

Join Jey for “The Power Of Themes” Live Sisterhood Call on Thursday, January 4 at 8 pm ET where she’ll take us through a guided meditation she uses to choose a theme for the year.

On this call she’ll reveal the exact details of how she uses The Power of Themes to create transformational coaching programs.

And if you have ever struggled with translating your bright ideas into a program that sells, having a theme can really support you in your creative process.


Save your spot here.

You’ll learn the weekly, 4-step method she uses to teach women around the world how to use to build and grow a thriving, 6-figure coaching business, completely based on radical self care.

“The Power of Themes” call closes the Mentor Masterclass Holiday Challenge that I shared with you a few weeks ago and opens the doors for women who wish to continue their journey and lean further into sisterhood and the soulful practices to build a life coaching business.

Not sure if you know, but I am a certified life coach myself. I became a coach YEARS ago – WAY back in 2003 – through the school that actually invented life coaching as a profession, but if I had to do it all over again… I’d learn from Jey.

You’ll not only get to connect to Jey live on this call, you’ll also be the first to witness the opening of her life coaching training called “Mentor Masterclass 2018” and hear about the exciting bonuses she’s sharing with women live on the call.

I’m honored to share that Gena Shingle Jaffe and I are guest teachers in the Mentor Masterclass program for the 2nd year in a row! Jey will also be giving away prizes, and announcing a scholarship winner too!

Save your spot for the live call with Jey here and do a ritual that changes EVERYTHING that’s possible for the New Year.

Here’s to getting focused and selecting a theme for the New Year!