‘Tis the season for giving to YOU (3 gifts for you inside!)
‘Tis the season for giving to YOURSELF! December is a GREAT month to learn more while the online world slows down.
Yes, there’s still time to enhance your business you can before the holidays arrive with free gifts for you so you can spend your moolah for everyone else. #winwin
There’s no need to fill your Christmas stocking with sugary candy canes and tiny wrapped gifts when you can give yourself the gift of learning.
I have 3 gifts to give you. All will help you in biz. All free. (Well, technically, the last one is free with purchase…but the gift is free. Santa would say it counts.)
GIFT #1: Amanda Moxley’s Speak Your Way to Success Summit
Want to know how to speak with more sass and spunk on stage, in videos and on Facebook Live? (I sure do! I’m still working on it myself….)
My friend & colleague Amanda Moxley invited me to speak with more than 22 leading experts in her that starts on December 11th, I said “Heck YEAH!” because I know that learning to share your message is essential. Speaking on stage or videos or FB Live….that’s even better!
What I love even more is that these high-energy interviews are only 30 minutes each. Easy to listen to on the go. AND you still have time to watch “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and wrap all of those Amazon gifts you couldn’t stop ordering on Black Friday.
Sign up for Amanda’s free online training here.
In this virtual series, you’ll learn:
- How to fill events, workshops, retreats webinars and live streams with raving fans who adore you
- Ways to increase organic engagement with your community leading to higher sales conversions & connections (and ORGANIC engagement is key!)
- Secrets to amping up your visibility to stand out, be seen and heard both online and offline
- How to get featured in the Media without hiring a PR firm
- How to be more magnetic on camera, video, and stage to help you call in your tribe
- Fun mindset hacks to uplevel your ability to RECEIVE more money, speaking gigs and clients
You’ll receive 22+free gifts valued at over $12,000 from all of the speakers (including me). Ooooh, the holidays are the time for GIFTS! #mylovelanguage
If your heart is calling you to share your message in a bigger way to impact more and make more money – and just admit it, you like GIFTS – then this event is the perfect fit for you to rev you up before the year winds down!
GIFT #2: Don’t miss another great December training that you can watch BEFORE Amanda’s training starts! Beth Weinstein’s True Path Entrepreneur free training!
I’m honored that Beth invited me to be part of her virtual training series, “The True Path Entrepreneur: Learn the Specific Steps to Live Your Purpose, Grow Your Business, and Attract Epic Abundance…on Your Terms!”
It kicks off December 4th with 34 experts (including me!) who are sharing concrete steps you can begin taking immediately to live your purpose—and make epic money!—through your own dream business. Yes, live your purpose AND make epic money. As I like to say…it’s all about the “and”!
Register for Beth’s free training here.
GIFT #3 – If you’re still shopping for holiday gifts for your team and want a bonus for you, my book “Easy Legal Steps” is the perfect business-building gift (that won’t break the bank)!
Order 5 paperback copies of my book “Easy Legal Steps” on Amazon for your team, clients, or friends and YOU receive the gift of a FREE 30-Minute Power Hour just for YOU to ask questions and get legal clarity.
What’s even better? Purchase 10 books and receive a FREE 1-Hour Power Hour for even more holiday cheer!
How to get your FREE 30-Minute or 1-Hour Power Hour:
1. Order your 5 or 10 books at lisafraley.com/book or directly on Amazon here.
2. Then send your receipt to lisa@lisafraley.com showing your purchase.
Offer is valid through December 15, 2017 at 11:59pm PT.
I hope you enjoy all 3 of these gifts for you during the holiday season! Don’t worry, your business doesn’t need to write me a thank you note…the joy is in the giving!