Why a COVID-19 Release & Waiver is still a wise move

by | Aug 23, 2021 | DIY Legal Templates

Yes, COVID is back. You may think it never left. You may be so tired of it that you never want to hear about it again. I get it. (I am too!)

But, it’s evident that we’re not done with COVID yet… as much as we may like to be.

So, if you offer in-person services and you feel:

  • concerned that clients could blame you for getting COVID
  • vulnerable that someone may accuse you of not taking safety precautions
  • unsure how to handle COVID-related questions from in-person clients for coaching, fitness or other services

You can ease your clients’ minds (or perhaps your own too!) and reduce your liability with a COVID-19 Release & Waiver.

Legal Love Tip: A COVID-19 Release & Waiver is still a wise move for in-person clients.


Because a DIY COVID-19 Release & Waiver outlines that:

  1. Your client is voluntarily choosing to work with you in-person.
  2. Your client is aware of the risks and chooses to take them – including the risk of contracting COVID-19 or ANY other illness, disease or condition.

It can help both you and your clients feel more safe, secure, and grounded during this weird time – feelings that are associated with the root chakra.

Here’s a quick-and-easy, simple DIY COVID document you can use at a reduced rate so you don’t have to worry about spending a lot of money…

Get the DIY COVID-19 Release & Waiver for Services HERE.

Sending you so much Legal Love™ as you work with in-person clients during this crazy COVID time!