Fresh Year. Fresh Start. How I Do It.

by | Jan 5, 2017 | Blog, Client Agreement, Terms of Use | 2 comments

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you and your loved ones had a beautiful, restful holiday and you are excited for a fresh year – and a fresh start.

My stepdaughter Meghan was here from Germany for nearly 3 weeks, and we celebrated by snowshoeing in boatloads of snow (we got over 28 inches!), enjoying a luxe overnight at The Fairmont in Boston, and watching endless hours of back-episodes of Shark Tank and The Tudors in our warm, cozy house!

Even though winter is a time for resting and not the ideal time for goal-setting, I am someone who gets excited to reflect on the past year and set goals and intentions for the new year. #totaldork

And since we are in Mercury Retrograde right now, I am doing even MORE reflecting and reviewing in alignment with the planetary energy.

I’ve always done it – since WAY back when I worked at the law firm. Every December, I would clean out my office, tally my annual results, and create new goals for the year ahead. I still do it today – and this year, we even cleaned out our basement too! #happyhusband

I like to start the year by identifying my CDFs (Core Desired Feelings).

Credit goes to Danielle LaPorte for brilliantly teaching in her book, The Desire Map, how to identify the core feelings you want to feel in the coming year (or day or month – whatever works for you).

I do them with a twist though (naturally!) and use phrases instead of single words, but the gist is the same.

This year some of my desired intentions/CDFs are:

  • Soul first.
  • Speak the truth with love.
  • I already know.
  • Be a channel.
  • Secure expansion.

Naming these feelings really helps me to stretch bigger, but also stay grounded, focused and soul-aligned – and not get caught up in as many “shoulds” in my biz.

When I focus on my CDFs, beautiful new clients, income and abundance always follows. (Cha-ching = more bling!)

Danielle teaches that when you lead with the feelings, the results show up. #truth

The new year is such a gift. It’s like I am giving myself a fresh start.

Like how I feel when I get into freshly-washed crisp sheets in bed, or starting a new school year as a kid with my backpack, Trapper Keeper binder (remember those?) and sharpened pencils ready to go.

It’s a do-over. Another chance. More opportunities to feel better than I felt yesterday.

Are you setting some intentions or goals for the new year?
Do you identify your CDFs?
Do you like to clean out your files, office (or basement!) to wrap up the past year?

I’d love to hear your New Year rituals and practices. Share with me HERE what you do to get a fresh start each January.

Here’s to making time for the end-of-year transition, setting intentions for the year to come, and to an amazing start to 2017!

red dots image

As you set the intention to expand your income and abundance this year, don’t forget to protect your income with a Client Agreement (for your 1-on-1 programs) and Terms of Use (for your group programs or online courses.) When your Client Agreement and Terms of Use are up to date, all of a sudden you feel ready to enroll your next client or launch your next program because you have clear, written policies in place with strong boundaries, and your next clients know where to land.