How to handle people who steal your stuff with Legal Love™

by | Oct 12, 2020 | Legal Starter Kit, Terms of Use

When someone swipes or copies your online course or group program, you are put in an uncomfortable jam.

It can make you feel furious, frustrated and frenetic. You may need to write all the angry words into your journal, clear the energy of your home office with some sage, eat some dark chocolate, or go on a walk to calm down.

If that happens, it stinks for sure.

But, when you’re in a calm state, know this:

Believe it or not, there are times when Copycats and Swipers take and use your work without ill intent.

Here’s the kicker… Copycats are often just trying to be YOU – or be like you – because they don’t have a clear vision of what they want to create or do for THEMSELVES yet.

It’s sad really.

They most likely aren’t trying to hurt you or knowingly steal your stuff; they just can’t find their own voice to develop their own work yet. Sometimes, they don’t even realize they took it. (I know. Sounds lame, but it’s true.)

If your work gets taken by a Copycat or Swiper, I invite you to presume innocence first AND I want you to also have legal protection.

You know I’m all about the “AND”, right? (That’s why I have a lighted ampersand marquee in my office.)

You can be kind AND also cover your buns.

Presume innocence until you know they’ve taken your work on purpose.

To stay calm and be kind if someone’s taken your work, have a listen to my Legally Enlightened Podcast Episode 65 called “Why Deescalating Emotion is a Powerful Legal Strategy” on iTunes or listen here.

And to cover your buns, know that you don’t have to be caught off guard.

Plan legally on the front end by using Terms of Use for your online programs so you aren’t caught like a deer in the headlights on the back end.

Legal Love Tip: Prepare for Copycats and Swipers by putting your Terms of Use in place. 



Your Terms of Use helps you stand in your power and fully claim your work if Copycats and Swipers try to snag your work and use it as their own.

It’s a robust legal document with language you can fall back on to protect your intellectual property (your course content), plug energy leaks, recognize your value, and claim what’s yours.

Need I say more? It’s a super-packed document designed to honor your work.

If you need it, you can get your love-filled and protective DIY Terms of Use here.

Don’t hold back in creating a new course because you’re worried that someone will swipe your stuff.

Using Terms of Use for your online sales can help you relax and let your voice be heard through your programs, while feeling covered.

(And we all could use some relaxing right now – am I right?) ????

Here’s to lovingly protecting your work with Terms of Use and not being afraid of Copycats and Swipers!

Did you know that if you have a website sales page and promote your new group program/online course on social media that you’ll also want to put other key legal protections in place too?

The Legal Starter Kit for Group Programs or Online Courses is a bundle of my 5 most-requested DIY Legal templates (including DIY Terms of Use!) to give you the legal documents you need for your group program/online course, website, and social media so you can get them with ease and all at once. 

The best part? The Legal Starter Kit is a 30% discount over purchasing each one alone.

Questions about the Legal Starter Kit? Email us at and we’ll be happy to give you As to your Qs.