How to protect your online course this Fall
My team and I have had countless Legal Chats during these past 6 months with biz owners wanting to create a group program or online course for the first time.
Their first question is “What legal document do I need?”
When we probe deeper they say, “I’m worried about people stealing my content.” and “I’m worried people will back out and not pay me.”
If any of these scenarios have happened to you, you know how awful it feels – like a big pit in the middle of your stomach:
- Another coach is using your exact words on her sales page.
- A participant wants to quit halfway through the program so she stops paying you and removes her credit card on file.
- A client decides she doesn’t like the course content so she issues a chargeback to get a full refund.
Sadly, these things happen all the time.
Here’s what you need to know:
Having your participants agree to your Terms of Use when they enroll gives you legal back up.
How do Terms of Use protect you exactly?
1. It states rules for what someone can and can’t do with your content.
2. It clearly claims ownership to your programs and puts others on notice that stealing your stuff is not cool (or legal!)
3. It spells out your refund policy, chargeback policy, and payment terms so you can collect payment.
4. It gives you legal language that says:
- People can’t cut and paste the language and images from YOUR program guide into THEIR program guide.
- People can’t just stop paying you halfway through the course or issue a chargeback AFTER they’ve used your course content.
- People can’t transcribe your recorded group calls and offer them as a bonus in THEIR course without your permission.
Be sure you have legal language to protect your content and your income.
(Can there be anything more important than that?)
If you have no new content because someone took your stuff or no income coming in, you’re back to square one.
Don’t put yourself in that position.
Legal Love Tip: If you’re launching a new group program or online course this Fall, use Terms of Use to back you up legally.
Learn more and get your easy-to-use DIY Terms of Use here.
Here’s to feeling more safe, secure & empowered as you go online with your group programs or online courses!
Did you know that if you have a website sales page and promote your new group program/online course on social media that you’ll also want to put other key legal protections in place too?
The Legal Starter Kit for Group Programs or Online Courses is a bundle of my 5 most-requested DIY Legal templates (including DIY Terms of Use!) to give you the legal documents you need for your group program/online course, website, and social media so you can get them with ease and all at once.
The best part? The Legal Starter Kit is a 30% discount over purchasing each one alone.
Questions about the Legal Starter Kit? Email us at and we’ll be happy to give you As to your Qs.