How to support your sacral chakra with a Client Agreement

by | Oct 7, 2019 | Client Agreement, Podcasts

My husband and I laugh about this all the time at home because I don’t cook at all. I mean at ALL. 

I can CONNECT things together – like quinoa from the pantry with leftover grilled squash and zucchini from the fridge with some fresh chives and rosemary from outside in the garden, with a little dash of balsamic glaze, a splash of olive oil, and dash of sea salt. 

It feels easy for me to pull things together like that.

Why this is at all relevant for you (because BESIDES getting a glimpse into my kitchen and pantry?)

Because I believe that MAGIC happens when we connect things together that aren’t normally connected. 

When you use a Client Agreement, you get clear about payment, communication and time boundaries which actually shifts the way you show up in your relationship with your clients. 

But, did you know that using a Client Agreement aligns energetically with your sacral chakra to support your income and creativity? 

Most people would NOT expect that using a Client Agreement shifts your energetic state.

How exactly do Client Agreements support your sacral chakra? 

Listen to episode 86 on iTunes HERE to learn about this unexpected “spiritual side effect of the law.”

Don’t have iTunes? Listen on my website here.


episode 86.png


In this episode, you’ll walk away knowing:

  • How I connect legal documents with energy work and why it helps you grow your business
  • 7 Energetic Shifts which can result from using a Client Agreement
  • Why I align Client Agreements with your sacral chakra to support your income and abundance 
  • Examples of Time Leaks and how to plug them
  • Examples of Money Leaks are and how to plug them
  • Examples of Energy Leaks are and how to plug them
  • Why Client Agreements help you set and enforce your boundaries in a loving way

Here’s to enforcing your boundaries in a loving way!