[FREE GIFT] 5 critical components of every Client Agreement

by | Aug 24, 2020 | Client Agreement

It’s rough. I hate to disappoint people. I don’t like being the one who is the party-pooper.

Drawing boundaries can feel harsh.

They can feel unkind and cold and rigid and uncomfortable. They can represent so many qualities which we don’t want to have.

I always feel my heart drop when I think back to the times I’ve said things like this:

“No, Christina (my dear friend), I can’t meet you for lunch because I have to record a podcast episode.”

“No, Scott (my beloved husband), I can’t go for a hike this weekend because I need to finish writing a chapter for my book.”

“No, Susie-Q (not her real name, a client of mine), I can’t keep answering your questions for 20 minutes past the end of your paid 30-Minute Power Hour.”

But not having boundaries can be even scarier.

(That’s why I have a free guide for you – no strings attached – keep reading…)

As a business owner, it can be super-easy to continually share your time, money, and energy with clients because you’re trying to be kind, polite, supportive and generous- and not make your clients mad.

Worse yet, you don’t want them to cancel working with you.

Having a client relationship with murky boundaries can leave you exhausted if you’re someone who just gives and gives and gives (which is what most of us do.)

That’s why it’s important to use a Client Agreement for your 1-on-1 clients.

(NOTE: If you’re a licensed practitioner who is wanting to get into the online space for 1-on-1 work, please book a free 20-minute Legal Chat with my team BEFORE you use a Client Agreement because it may not be right for you depending on what you want to do.)

You might think “I love the idea of using a Client Agreement, but I’m terrified that my clients will freak out if I hand them a harsh legal document.”

Yep. I hear that a lot. It’s a pretty normal feeling.

What most lawyers don’t tell you is that Client Agreements can be clear, kind documents to help your clients feel safe and secure. (It’s true. For real.)

I always say that Client Agreements are “compassionate containers” to hold and support your client relationships.

They create clarity for you and your clients.

They protect your income, time and energy.

Client Agreements are full of loving boundaries all tied up in a big red bow to make both your and your client’s lives 10x easier when you start working together.

You actually feel more safe, secure, confident and empowered when you use a Client Agreement because you know your client policies around payment and cancellations (and so much more) are spelled out in writing.

Now you know WHY Client Agreements are needed, but WHAT should they say?
What sections need to be included?

I have a gift for you! Here’s a free guide to learn 5 key areas which should be in EVERY Client Agreement:

Download the “5 Critical Components of Every Client Agreement” guide HERE.

Read through it then see if YOUR Client Agreement includes these 5 loving boundaries to protect you.

It’s important to use a Client Agreement and have these 5 key areas covered so you can honor yourself and your time, income, and energy.

Grab the guide here. 

Here’s to using a Client Agreement for your 1-on-1 services – and to creating loving boundaries with your clients!