You’ll love these easy, quick DIY legal document templates

so you can get legally covered
to protect your money and business lickety-split!

You’ll love them if you:

Heart BulletNeed a legal document for your course or program right now (or YESTERDAY!)

Heart Bullet Want easy-to-understand contracts written in plain English and infused with Legal Love™ by an attorney who gets you and the online world.

Heart Bullet Like rolling up your sleeves and doing things yourself to save time and money

Heart Bullet Want a legal document done in less time than watching “Super Soul Sunday”


Each template is designed specifically for coaches and entrepreneurs
– by a Holistic Lawyer® who gets you and the online world
(because I’m trained as a health & life coach too!)


They are written in plain English and with color (gasp!)
so they are easy to use and understand.

They’re good for your biz – AND for your soul.

You’ll love these easy, quick DIY legal documents

so you can get legally covered
to protect your money and business lickety-split!

You’ll love them if you:

Heart BulletNeed a legal document for your course or program right now (more like YESTERDAY!)

Heart BulletWant easy-to-understand contracts written in plain English and infused with Legal Love™ by a Holistic Lawyer® who gets you and the online world

Heart Bullet Like rolling up your sleeves and doing things yourself to save time and money

Heart Bullet Want a legal document done in less time than watching “Super Soul Sunday”


Each template is designed specifically for coaches and entrepreneurs
by a Holistic Lawyer® who gets you and the online world
(because I’m trained as a health & life coach too!)


They are written in plain English and with color (gasp!)
so they are easy to use and understand.

They’re good for your biz – AND for your soul.

Want to take the first steps to getting legally covered?

Try a legal starter kit
(choose which one best fits you):

Choose this option if you primarily work with 1-on-1 clients.
Choose this option if you offer a group program, online course or info product.
Choose this option if you have a small group or mastermind with group calls and may also include 1-on-1 coaching calls.

Questions about the DIY Legal Template packages or starter kits?

Schedule a free 20-minute legal chat.

disclaimers & waivers

Strong basic disclaimer for your website.
Very short disclaimer for PDFs, videos, program guides, social media, etc.
Disclaimer for authors to disclaim your liability in your book.
Waiver for clients to sign as you resume services with clients after COVID-19.
Waiver for attendees for live seminars or 1-day events.
Release form for working with children.
Disclaimer for massage therapists to use with clients.
Release for clients to sign when giving you testimonials.
Media release to take & share photos at your live event.

agreements & consent forms

Client Agreement for your 1-on-1 clients to protect your income.
Client Agreement for your small group or mastermind with group calls that may also include 1-on-1 calls.
Client Agreement for offering a single session of your client services.
Client Agreement for
energy practitioners (only)
for 1-on-1 clients.
Client Agreement for graphic designers (only) for 1-on-1 clients.
Client Agreement for website designers (only) for 1-on-1 clients.
Client Agreement for photographers (only)
for 1-on-1 clients.
Client Agreement for videographers (only)
for 1-on-1 clients.
Written refund policy to use whether you give full, partial or no refunds.
Contract to add a Virtual Assistant to your team.
Contract to add a Graphic Designer to your team.
Contract to add a Website Designer to your team.
Contract to add another team member to your team.
Agreement for your overnight retreat attendees.
Contract to use with the event host when speaking on stage.
Non-disclosure Agreement to protect the ideas you want to share with someone BEFORE you share them.
Agreement to work with a colleague to create a program, product or service.
Agreement for your corporate sponsors to fund your live event.
Agreement for vendors to display and sell items at your live event.
Consent form for your (unpaid) guest expert on your podcast, webinar, telesummit or interview.
Agreement for offering wellness seminars, workshops, individual Lunch-n-Learns or comprehensive wellness program.

Consent form for services for licensed practitioners such as a therapist or physician.
Certification Agreement to
train your mentee in your methodology.

for sole proprietors & collections

Checklist & info about how to register your business and get clear about taxes.
Collections checklist, scripts and letter to collect money from a client who won’t pay you.

terms & conditions

Terms & Conditions to protect your website content like the text & images on your site.
Privacy Policy to let people know you won’t spam them and keep their personal info safe & confidential.
Affiliate Terms & Conditions for your affiliates to sign to promote your programs, products and services.
HIPAA Privacy Notice required for licensed medical practitioners to give to patients.
Form signed by a patient to release medical records or health information.

sales terms

Terms of Use (sales terms) for your group programs, online courses & downloadable info products that people buy through your website.

corporate entities

Checklist and info to know whether you need an LLC or S-Corp.

trademark & cease & desist

Self-assessment to determine whether you should trademark your business name, program name, tagline or logo.
Cease & Desist Letter to send when a copycat or swiper has copied your website or course content.

starter kits

Choose this option if you primarily work with 1-on-1 clients.
Choose this option if you offer a group program, online course or info product.
Choose this option if you have a small group or mastermind with a combination of 1-on-1 coaching and group calls.
Solid legal protection for your website – disclaimer, terms & conditions, privacy policy and more.
Contracts for hiring multiple team members – VA, graphic designer & others.
Contracts for working with a colleague to create a course or program.
Contracts & waivers to cover your buns for your guests & speakers at your live event.

If you worked 1:1 with an attorney, each document EASILY could cost you $1,500-3,000.
They are just a few hundred bucks – and they can be used over and over again with minor tweaks.

I created these templates to offer a DIY way
to get legally covered 24/7
that SAVES you a ton of money.

I was dreading personalizing the DIY Legal Templates and then when I finally opened them up, I was delighted to see how easy they are to use! THANK YOU! These give me a new level of confidence on the business (and empire) I’m building!
- Ann Konkoly

Speaker, Writer & Coach for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Lisa’s legal templates are a godsend! I purchased them for my business and found them incredibly easy to use – not to mention that I saved thousands of dollars. I recommend them wholeheartedly. Lisa explains how to use the templates in detail and was also happy to answer questions I had via email. She’s not only incredibly smart but also one of the most heartfelt business owners I know.
- Amy Lippmann

Founder of Marketing for Health Coaches

The DIY templates you have available on your site have been incredibly helpful for both myself and my wife. I love that you use ‘normal people speak’ within the language of the templates so they’re easy for both parties to understand, and how you explain the chakras aligned with each template in an accompanying audio and video.
- Kyle Schmitt

WordPress and Tech Consultant for Beginning Entrepreneurs

Legalities can make me nervous creating undesirable slow downs. Your templates have helped me feel confident and effective as I develop the legal aspects of my new project. Truly thankful!
- Jennifer King Blackledge

Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist

As someone who once used every excuse in the book not to embrace my gift as a light worker, I would often find myself feeling like a deer in the headlights when the thought of tackling the legal aspects of my spiritually based business. I convinced myself that there was no way I could proceed because I didn’t have the first clue when it came to managing a business from a legal standpoint. I had spent weeks searching for lawyers who were even remotely familiar with a spiritually based business. Being somebody who is very structured, rules-oriented, it was KEY for me to find someone who truly knew what they were doing.

Lisa removed that emotional roadblock for me. Most importantly, she made me feel heard, understood and supported…and that made ALL the difference. Her DIY templates have been LIFESAVERS for me and her ongoing support has honestly been the ONLY reason I am able to remotely navigate through all of the disclaimers, contracts, documents, etc. Lisa, you are truly a God send. You are truly one of the only reasons I am able to proudly say that I am currently preparing for my first launch in just a few short weeks. Thank you for everything, Lisa!

- Claudia De Mauro, M.Ed

Evidential Medium

Lisa, we don’t know each other and our only interactions have been my purchasing two templates from you on a payment plan. However, I wanted to say THANK YOU and let you know that you have made a huge difference in my business! I am a Spiritual Gifts Teacher. I went looking for “coaching contracts” on Google and stumbled across your website.

It made me cry. With joy! First, because it’s so beautiful & organized by chakras!! Second, because I felt SO understood and safe and like I was going to get exactly what I needed – and I DID! My coaching contracts turned out really professional and solid. It was a pleasure to send them to the 7 women who enrolled in my 6-month-$4,500-program! This is the biggest package I’ve ever offered and I knew my butt was covered from all angles because of your templates.

The world is a better brighter place because of you! THANK YOU for being *exactly* who I needed in my path at the exact right time – with your gorgeous sales pages, easy payment process, and high quality product offering this has been a breeze! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

- Kami Orange

Spiritual Gifts Teacher

After having experienced a few not so pleasant situations that could have been avoided with a solid contract, I was so grateful to have found Lisa’s DIY Client Agreements. Knowing that she is an attorney made me feel confident that her products would deliver – and I was right! I now have peace of mind when taking on new clients that I’m protected. I highly recommend Lisa’s work to any entrepreneurs out there looking for legal support!
- Kim Perry

Life & Business Strategist

Investing in Lisa Fraley’s Legal Love DIY Templates was hands down one of the most abundantly boosting steps I have ever taken within my Biz! Lisa has designed each template in a way that truly gives you that sense of ongoing protection that we all feel we need but have a hard time fully satiating AND it totally frees up all the suppressed energy that can weigh heavy on Biz owners and creative entrepreneurs, slowing us down from achieving genuine success.
- Alina McGilloway, LMT, CFMT, LE

Certified Master BodyMind Coach

Important Note:

Please note that these documents are legal templates that you complete and personalize yourself. An audio guide tells you what the document says (in plain English!) and you just fill in the blanks. You really can do it yourself. But, know that these documents do NOT create an attorney-client relationship and are not to be construed as legal advice. Always have a local attorney review any legal document that you use to be sure it complies with your state and local laws. Lisa is licensed as an attorney in the State of Ohio.

have questions?

Add on a 30-Minute Power Hour with Lisa
to ask questions about the template after you’ve completed it.
(Note that this does not include a legal review
of your document.)

want it done for you?

Don’t have time? Apply here to see if Lisa can help you or can refer you to another attorney.