It’s today.

The big Kahuna.

Decision time.

Are you going for it with B-School?

Or are you staying put doing what you’ve been doing for the past year?

I promise you that through B-School, you will gain massive clarity on your profit centers, offerings, marketing, list-building, communication and MORE.

And when you do that, you’ll open yourself up to brand new opportunities, new offerings, and new dimensions to your business.

I think you know by now just how amazing I think B-School is.

And I’ve shared what makes it even sweeter!

When you sign up for B-School, you receive our Damsel goes bare™ LITE course for FREE as a BONUS!

You’ll receive legal protection for your biz for FREE:

  • 4 Legal templates – Website Disclaimer, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy and Client Agreement.
  • Video legal lessons to help you understand each template and how to personalize them for your business.
  • LIVE support from Gena and me as you go through B-School to keep you on track.
  • Lots of sparkle and soul from us to answer questions and cheer you on.


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If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, even if you are a little scared or unsure of YOUR monsters under the bed, take that risk.

You know you need legal. You know we can help.

We are 100% in this with you! And TODAY is the day!

Get your biz off the ground and legally cover your buns by joining B-School now.

Join B-School HERE and get our Damsel goes bare™ LITE course for FREE. The deadline for registering is 3pm ET TODAY.

Here’s to joining B-School – and getting your legal documents for FREE!

I fully believe in B-School. I fully believe in Marie Forleo. I am grateful to be able to share my B-School experience with you, and I want you to know that when you sign up, I will earn a referral fee and you will receive our Damsel goes bare™ LITE course for FREE! Everybody wins – and it feels GOOD!

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