Worried that having legal documents in place will attract bad energy?

I totally get it.

A lot of my heart –centered and spiritual entrepreneur clients tell me that they don’t even want to THINK about the “legal stuff” because they think that taking the stance of “protecting yourself” creates and attracts bad energy.

<h3>However, I believe it’s totally the opposite.

And, apparently, so does Mike Dooley who writes daily Notes from the Universe on tut.com. Check out this daily note he sent recently…


“Avoiding something, Lisa, draws it ever near.
Defending yourself can become a full time job.
And worrying about things that might never happen increases their chances of happening.
Yet still, you are 10,000 times more likely to laugh than cry, be healthy than sick, live rich than poor,
have friends than be alone.
That’s the kind of momentum you’ve garnered through countless lifetimes of love. That’s the kind of power
you long ago learned to master. And, quite frankly, those were the odds you negotiated.

You’re just another part of me,
The Universe”

According to the wisdom of The Universe (as delivered through Mike Dooley), it’s when you AVOID something that draws it nearer.

Did you know that your fear of taking legal steps actually can draw legal pickles towards you?

When you take legal steps to use contracts or create business entities to hold and support your business, you uplevel your business professionally AND you also strengthen your energetic boundaries to keep the bad juju away.

When you create “compassionate containers”, as I like to call them, which are legal documents created with lots of Legal Love, you create more clarity, communication and connection with your clients because you both are on the same page right from the start.

Client Agreements are gifts to your clients – and to you – because they hold and support your sacred relationship with your clients. [Tweet this]

Using legal documents keep the negative energy, money leaks, headaches, and time-sucking clients away.

When you strengthen your boundaries legally, you strengthen them energetically too.

I call this the “spiritual side effect of the law.”

To boost your boundaries and bolster your positive energy, I’ve created a TON of new easy DIY legal templates designed specifically for online entrepreneurs and coaches so you can get legally covered in less time than it takes to watch Super Soul Sunday.

DIY Legal Templates

Launching a new online course? Holding a live event soon? Speaking on stage? Relaunching your website? Hiring a graphic designer or virtual assistant? There’s a DIY legal template to cover your buns.

Check out ALL of the new DIY legal templates HERE.

Here’s to getting legally covered with easy to understand legal templates that save you boatloads o’ cash and keep the negative juju away!

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