I hope you have been getting a lot of juicy nuggets from Marie Forleo’s free video series. (You can still watch video #1 HERE and video #2 HERE if you missed them earlier!)
Today, in her final video #3, Marie gives a glimpse behind the scenes as to her incredible success.
Check out video #3 here.
As recently as a year and a half ago, I didn’t have an e-newsletter. I didn’t “have a list”. I didn’t have any kind of a marketing plan or schedule at all.
I was doing 1-on-1 legal coaching only via word of mouth and a little Facebook posting here and there.
I’m not kidding. That was it.
I thought there must be some secret to online marketing that I didn’t know about – because it felt really overwhelming to me to come up with e-newsletter marketing calendars, social media planners, and all of that stuff you hear about.
And I even wondered, “Do I really need to do that stuff? Am I missing something if I don’t do it? What if I don’t WANT to do all of that anyway?”
The whole marketing piece all felt very confusing – even for a #smartypants geeky lawyer like me.
I loved about Marie Forleo is that she talks about being a “passionate lover of marketing”. When I heard that, I thought to myself, “I want that. I want to be a passionate lover of marketing too.”
I don’t want marketing to feel like a chore or like something I HAVE to do. I want to help people from an authentic place of service and do ONLY the kind of marketing feels good to me – but I didn’t know exactly what that was or whether that would be effective. (Can you relate?)
Marie said when you start running your business like a pro – that means taking it seriously and focusing on making a difference – both in your life and the lives of others, doors will open for you like no other to grow your own dream business. And, boy she was right!
Watch video #3 HERE to hear more about what she means.

I don’t know about you, but I love watching other coaches “go bare”.
Not THAT kind of “go bare”, of course! I mean watching them “go bare” by peeling back the curtain to reveal the inner workings of their business.
And, even though I always feel a little vulnerable “going bare” myself, I wanted to share a bit more about what’s going on behind my curtain over here at Lisa Fraley Legal Coach LLC:
I have been honored to be a Legal Guest Expert on COUNTLESS podcasts, webinars, bonus calls, radio shows, and even paid speakers for other coaches and entrepreneurs. I love it. I absolutely love it!
I LOVE helping entrepreneurs understand the legal part to their business, by making it easy to understand, light, spiritual, and colorful (literally!). I align legal steps with the chakras and even DRESS in the colors of the chakras when speaking on stage.
I LOVE public speaking and teaching others legal steps so they feel safe enough to “go bare” and share their gifts with the world.
And I am now often flown out and paid to speak at conferences or asked to do guest interviews in podcasts, webinars and free calls for coaches and entrepreneurs. Heaven!!
(BTW, if you want me to be your legal guest expert for your course or event, just e-mail lisa@lisafraley.com.)
This is SUCH a turnaround because when I started my business, I was TERRIFIED of being public and of being vulnerable and visible. I mean TERRIFIED.
The vast majority of lawyers sit safely behind a desk staying FAR from the spotlight. They CERTAINLY don’t show up online in a red dress looking over their shoulder on their website, create colorful legal documents, or (gasp!) talk about spirituality and chakras!
I’ve signed a book contract to write a book about the law and the chakras. For real!
Say what? Yes, it’s true. I’m on a mission to share how legal steps support your chakras, shore up your boundaries, and correlate those steps with certain guiding principles for enlightened entrepreneurship.
I am writing about which legal steps to take as you grow your business (and which you don’t need) so you can step into being an empowered entrepreneur and leader of your business – and I already have received interviews to appear on a prominent radio show as a “conscious lawyer”. #totallypinchingmyself
I have expanded my capacity to receive more income TREMENDOUSLY over the past 3 years. My income has gone from $12,700 a year to consistent months of $30-50k. No joke.
You don’t hear me shouting my income all over Facebook or from the mountaintops (partly because I am still working on that visibility thing, but partly because it’s just not my nature.) But, like I said, I want to inspire you that if I can do it with all my fears and blocks, you can totally do it too…..so with a deep breath, I share this with you:
My income BEFORE B-School – and AFTER B-School:
2012: $12,700 – BEFORE B-School I was coaching part-time just starting out.
2013: $45,000 – The year I took B-School.
2014: $170,000 – AFTER I took B-School. (What a difference a year makes!)
2015: $310,000 – Consistent $30-50k/months – and even two $50k months!
2016: January was my 2nd highest grossing month EVER – and the year has only begun! #crazy
I am so grateful to Marie and to B-School for giving me the tools and the building blocks to be courageous and help others with legal steps in a way that is totally unique and completely in alignment with my values. I am forever grateful that this is my life. #sohappy
Marie’s final video, she gives a sneak peek behind the scenes of HER 8-figure success-story that is B-School.
Watch it HERE.

Isn’t Marie just so freaking amazing? I am in awe of her every time I watch her videos.
Stay tuned for more information about how you can sign up for B-School starting Wednesday February 17th (and how you can get a sparkly & soulful legal bonus) very soon!
Here’s to “going bare”, to expanding our capacity to receive, and to setting yourself up for biz success with B-School!