Believe and receive.
I subscribe to this concept.
After all, the law of attraction and manifestation – and karma – and the Golden Rule – is all about what we put out into the world, we receive back.
Which means we need to have positive thoughts so we attract positive things.
Like Mike Dooley (who writes the very cool “Tut” daily e-mails) says, your “thoughts become things.”
But, have you noticed sometimes it is not until we “receive” that we actually let ourselves “believe.”
SOMETIMES we need to see that we really are receiving clients or income or love to believe ourselves worthy.
To believe we will be successful.
To believe it will “stick” and it isn’t just some happy accident that will vanish tomorrow.
SOMETIMES we feel like we need to SEE that we are “receiving” things before we BELIEVE we deserve them or that they are real.
To know we are worth it.
To believe that we earned it.
To trust that there’s more to come.
And then, ONLY THEN, once we’ve decided that we see enough evidence of “receiving”, we allow ourselves to let down our guard and “believe” there will be more.
SOMETIMES, we truly need to RECEIVE to BELIEVE.
So, which comes first? The chicken or the egg? Is it “believe and receive” – or “receive and believe?”
In my full flat-out confession to you, I know that for me on some days I TRUST and believe first and see (and reap) the rewards after. Other days, like at the start of a new launch, I need to be thoroughly convinced with
some cold, hard evidence FIRST that people want what I am offering, and THEN I believe that the launch will be successful.
I guess it’s totally an “and” for me. Both can be true. #itdependsontheday
Therefore, in my humble opinion, I think that the quote should be rewritten to say:
You get the picture.
What I have noticed for me though is that the more I let myself BELIEVE in my offerings, my gifts and in my service to the world, the more I actually SEE and RECEIVE the blessings. The clients. The joy. The income. The fulfillment.
The more I BELIEVE, the more I truly do RECEIVE. How about you?
I know that when I have put my heart and soul into something and share it with the world, I believe in it – or I wouldn’t put it out there. I want to feel proud of my work and stand behind it. I bet the same is true for you.
So, today, in honor of “believing” first and “receiving” second, I invite you…right this minute… to join me to:
- BELIEVE in yourself and your unique qualities and talents that people will want what you are offering.
- BELIEVE that you are worthy of someone else investing in because you KNOW to your core that your product or service can change someone’s life (because you know it can!).
- BELIEVE that your business is worthy enough to protect. That it will be sticking around. That it is not just an expensive hobby. That you are all in towards building the business of your dreams.
Then get yourself organized, take the necessary action steps, mark off your to-do list, and watch yourself RECEIVE.
I’m ALL in for believing in you and the gifts you have to share with the world. The question is…are you?
Here’s to believing and receiving and believing and receiving….
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