Gena and I know that the legal side of your business can seem scary and icky.
We know that a lot of people think lawyers are:
:: Unethical
:: Money-hungry
:: Conniving
:: Negative
:: Egotistical
:: Ridiculously expensive
And, honestly, some of them are. #sadbuttrue
But, we’re here to show you that we are #notyourtypicallawyers.
At all.
In fact, here are some fun facts that will shock the pants off of you: (Hello, Elle Woods combo!)
:: Gena was a nationally competitive gymnast for 15 years and got a full ATHLETIC scholarship to Penn State. And she has pink in her hair – SO unlawyerly!
:: Lisa was a high school cheerleader & president of her sorority pledge class and she aligns legal steps with the chakras because she believes #thelawisspiritual too – which definitely is NOT a commonly-held legal belief.
And most lawyers would not be caught snarfing down cupcakes (with icing on their nose), that’s for sure!
However, Gena and I believe that you can BE WHO YOU ARE and STILL BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY.
What you probably don’t know about us is that we are totally goofy and all-about-pink-lipstick AND also:
:: Gena graduated magna cum laude from Pace Law School where she was a Presidential Merit Scholarship student and named the Third Best Oralist out of 1,200 competitors in the Wilem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court Competition held in Vienna, Austria.
:: Lisa was the managing editor of the Case Western Reserve University Law School Health-Medicine Journal and is a published author of a 50-page paper on biotethics & biomedical research and she was offered a position in the White House and turned it down to go to law school (what was she thinking??)
We believe that you can be FUN AND SMART – and we’ve created a free legal video series for you that does the same thing with the LAW! #truth
With our free video series, we know that you will feel more empowered and knowledgeable with what is really important in legally protecting your business AND learn about it in a way that is light and fun.
Sign up for the free Damsel goes bare™ video series here. The first video called “Are You Running Your Business Naked?” will be delivered straight to your inbox on April 13th!
Here’s what you’ll learn in our 6-part video series:
:: What legal safeguarding you actually need.
:: The scary legal fiascos that you need to avoid at all costs!
:: How to protect your perfectly created copy, so it stays YOURS.
:: If you need to trademark, or if you can save that money!
:: All about privacy policies for your clients’ peace of mind.
:: The importance of client contracts for your type of biz!
So what are you waiting for? Join us for free legal videos HERE.
Gena and I look forward to helping you protect your biz booty! See you in the videos soon!