I’ve found over and over again that success in business is really about letting your brilliance shine.

Now that may sound a little amorphous, or even a little hokey to you, but when you think about it, brilliance is absolutely key to building a successful business.

Here’s how Dictionary.com defines brilliance:


[bril-yuh ns]

1. great brightness; luster.

2. excellence or distinction; conspicuous talent, mental ability, etc.

3. splendor, elegance, or magnificence.

To me, brilliance is a combination of all three of these definitions – it’s about radiance + talent + magnificence.

It’s a fabulous combination of shining your light – having that inner luster and glow – along with truly owning all of your talents and the magnificence that is YOU.

It’s the whole reason behind why I created my legal course get legally covered so you can go bare™ … so that you feel more confident having a solid legal foundation in place, and safe and secure to bare your heart and soul to the world through your business.


Share your

When you are courageous enough to let your biz brilliance shine, you share your unique talents with heartfelt passion and attract the clients, life and biz that you really, really want.

Like magic.

If you’re scratching your head saying, “Um, Lisa, I don’t even know what my brilliance is – or even if I have any brilliance at all. How am I supposed to let my brilliance shine when I don’t even know what it is or how to access it.”

Great question.

Believe me, I know from my own experience that it can feel a little scary to own your magnificence because we torture ourselves with self-doubt like:

:: Who am I to be seen as an expert in my field?
:: Who am I to make a fortune when so many are struggling in their work?
:: Who am I to really have the life and the biz I dream of?

We talk ourselves out of our brilliance right into guilt, shame or unworthiness.

But, that’s crazy talk!

Why? Because we ALL are brilliant. Every single one of us. Brilliant at something – even if we haven’t quite put our finger on what that is yet.

I want to remind you that you ARE brilliant – even if you can’t see it yet – and the world NEEDS you to share your radiance, talent and magnificence… pronto!

And – get this! – we ALL can let our brilliance show without dimming anyone else’s light. #safetoshine

So, how do you discover and use your unique brilliance to be wildly successful in your business?

That’s an important question, because when you know how to profit from your brilliance everything gets easier. You make more money, you can make a bigger difference, and you can actually have the life that’s posted on your vision board.

Here’s a great way to get started:

Prema Lee Gurreri and Dr. Kimberly McGeorge are hosting Your Business Brilliance MasterClass and I’m honored to be part of it.


Your Business Brilliance Masterclass

This is a get-your-hands-dirty “how-to” MasterClass about how you can activate your radical blueprint for success.

Yep! Your RADICAL blueprint – not some flimsy, won’t-hold-up, cookie cutter blueprint for success. The radical blueprint that works for YOU and your business.

If you want to put your finger on your brilliance, incredible experts who’ve done TedX Talks, multiple TV programs and international radio, like Joe Vitale, Michelle Vandepass, Debbie Dachinger, and more will be guiding you along in the Master Class.

Register for Your Business Brilliance Master Class HERE.

Isn’t it time to give yourself permission share your radiance, talent and magnificence to help and serve the world? I vote YES!

Here’s to discovering your business brilliance and to shining your light!

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If you’re hosting a live event or workshop this summer or fall, you’d be a #smartiepants to get your legal docs in order with the NEW DIY Event Waiver and NEW DIY Media Release BEFORE you sign people up.

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