Finding your voice.

Some days, it’s isn’t easy, is it?

Some days, I can’t seem to string two sentences together. Or to really say what I want to say. I feel blocks in my throat chakra and I can’t seem to get the words out coherently. Can you relate?

This is why I was soooo excited when my first guest blogger, Robin Arutt, M.Ed., CH, HC, Founder of Full Potential Living®, approached me about writing a post about finding her voice as a business owner. I was thrilled! #whatagift

Finding your voice, speaking your truth and sharing your message with the world is associated with the throat chakra.

And, the thyroid is located in the throat chakra.


Here’s how Robin found her business voice – in her own words:

I remember the moment I decided I was going to get off of the crazy train of my old career and turn my “side love” of holistic health into a full time gig. It wasn’t just a dream anymore, I was called. I was also a bit terrified.

The public transition is a little awkward, isn’t it? Simply put, it feels a bit like, “hello, world… I know a lot of you know me as ‘A’, but guess what? Now I’m ‘B!’” Although my friends and family knew I was deeply into holistic health ever since becoming an herbalist in the 90’s, I really had to find my voice to bring it out to the rest of the world.

Enter federal trademarking.

My business name is Full Potential Living®. I always knew this would be the name even before I knew what my business would look like. It encompassed everything that moves me about being a human alive – happiness, expansion, authenticity, connection, divine purpose, and the awe of human potential.

But did I really NEED to trademark?

Wasn’t that jumping the gun a little for a budding solopreneur who was saving her dollars just to get started? A federal trademark for li’l old me?? (Yeah, this was the “me” before my business grew). Did I need to be, well, that, LEGIT?

Here’s how I knew the answer was yes.

I asked myself one question. “If someone else takes it, are you ok with changing your business to another name?” The answer was clear.

Going through the trademarking process took time, money, and patience. But when I received confirmation that I was “the legal owner of the federal mark,” all I can say is…Something shifted.

No more fearful newbie. No more hiding. I was ready for, “hello, world!”

Trademarking my business name gave me a stronger sense of legitimacy and foundation upon which to grow my business, take risks and speak my truth. I could embody all that my business stands for, publicly, without fear.

This is one of the reasons I love Lisa’s work so much (and am so honored to be her first guest blogger!). She thrives not just on helping coaches understand and benefit from the law, but on the freedom and expansion that the law gives you, and how this, in turn, feeds your soul.

Full Potential Living® is the vehicle through which I live my divine purpose. I help people transform the experience of chronic conditions (specifically thyroid disease), and I train amazing health coaches around the world to do the same.

Trademarking, for me, helped me find my voice, drop the fear, and grow my presence. And now, I’m too legit to quit. (Sorry, I couldn’t help myself!)…

Robin’s story is amazing, right?

Who would’ve thought that trademarking would help Robin “drop the fear” and find her voice?

Most people don’t connect the power of trademarking with the power of your voice like Robin did.

Most people don’t connect the power of your voice with the health of your thyroid.

But, as you can see, they are all related.

And Robin’s post is even more cool when you know what she does for a living!

Robin is a Certified Herbalist, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, and Health Coach Mentor in the field of Holistic Endocrine Health. She is the founder of Full Potential Living®, LLC and which help people around the world transform the experience of chronic conditions, specifically thyroid disease.

Robin is a thyroid guru. A throat chakra healer. A specialized trainer of Health Coaches.

Robin is the creator of Mastering Thyroid Imbalance for Health Coaches which has helped to prepare hundreds of coaches from across the globe in the art, science and joy of thyroid coaching.

:: If you are a Health Coach and you want to help your client step into her own voice by bringing the thyroid into balance, you will love the practical tools and guidance Robin gives in Mastering Thyroid Imbalance for Health Coaches. (I have taken this course personally and loved it!) Find out more and enroll in Robin’s course HERE.

:: If you want to protect a business name that you are passionate about, just as Robin did, so you can feel more “LEGIT”, get started with the Trademarking process HERE.

:: If you want to get clear about your business vision, profit centers, and offerings and take your business to the next level, check out Marie Forleo’s B-School (and get a lovely legal bonus course!) HERE.

I’m sharing LOTS of options to help you take your business to the next level today…. If you are feeling called to expand your work and get clear about trademarking, specializing in thyroid coaching or B-School, just comment below and I am happy to help!

In total disclosure, I am a huge fan of both Marie Forleo and Robin Arutt. That’s why I’m honored to be an affiliate for them both which means that if you purchase through my links, I’ll earn a commission. You should know by now that I only promote people whose work I believe in – and you will find that your message will expand far and wide when you give your biz the support it needs through B-School and your thyroid the support it needs through Robin’s course!

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