I love being running an online business, being my own #ladyboss and planning my own schedule. #dreamjob.

But, as thrilling as our online biz gig can be, it’s not like every single day is filled ONLY with rainbows and unicorns. Even for me, Miss Optimism.

There are technical aspects to learn, mindset shifts to make, crazy schedules to manage, and many failed attempts to squeeze in a run only to find myself still sitting in my sports bra and yoga pants at day’s end. #sigh

It’s hard to do it all by ourselves – to learn and figure it all out on our own. We need help.

I am very grateful and fortunate that I have an incredible team who helps me with everything from creating new course content to blog posts to launch strategies to invoicing – and so much more I can’t even list.

  • Heather Jernigan is my amazing Creative Marketing Director & right hand gal. She keeps me grounded, on schedule and from passing out from exhaustion from working too hard.
  • Amy Kozak is a fellow B-Schooler who is my amazing Virtual Assistant. She is my detailed technical guru who knows Simplero back and forth & handles payments & invoicing for my clients.
  • Courtney Pearce, Cassi Goozen & Lori Reeves are my uber-talented Graphic Design Team & Website Designers who create key graphics (and patiently tolerate my many changes to my new website design and content.)
  • Wendy Yalom was my luxe photographer for my glam photo shoot all over Boston – and her gorgeous photos will be making their debut on my new website (coming soon!)
  • Laura Belgray has been my godsend copywriter for my go bare course & new website home page. She’s freaking amazing. Her words are pure gold.. Worth every penny.
  • Rachel Rouhani with Haute Chocolate is my prop photographer who I hired to take custom photos of my black & white journals, my “ampersand” symbol & more for my new website – and I use her fun stock photos all the time!
  • And I have Facebook Ad Specialists, Accountants, and MORE! #thelistgoesonandon

Plus, Gena Shingle Jaffe and I have a whole #rockstar team to help with our Damsel goes bare™ legal course! The more you grow, the more it truly takes a village, peeps.

I’ve been a Legal Coach & Attorney for 4 years, and it took a WHILE to build my team – both to find the right people AND to be able to afford them.

If you aren’t ready to hire a team yet, no worries, I have something just for you….

The Coaches Toolkit Giveaway from Maria Saracen


It’s like a buffet of courses, done-for-you materials, stock photography and other biz tools and (calorie-free) indulgences that can help add to your bottom line but not your, er…bottom. (Sorry! I couldn’t resist!)

I am honored to have contributed a little goodie to the Toolkit myself!

The Coaches Toolkit Giveaway contains tons of helpful, practical tools including:

  • Continuity Rocks Master Class from Jenn Scalia ($100 value)
  • 10 Stunning Stock Images from the Haute Chocolate Styled Stock Library ($150 value)
  • Facebook Spark Training Program from Devani Freeman ($249 value)
  • Money Freedom Talks from Shalya Boyd-Gill ($100 value)
  • The Insider’s Scoop on Running Your Own Giveaway from Maria Saracen ($120 value)

And SO much more, including my gift which I know will inspire a happy dance: 7 Days to Get Legally Enlightened!

This is my 7-day e-course that gives you (in plain English!) 1 legal step a day that you need as you grow your business – and how that legal step supports one of your chakras (and why you should care). ($197 value)

The catch? There’s only one. The Coaches Toolkit Giveaway ends March 27th so the sooner you sign up, the more time you’ll have to savor each gift and get the most out of them..

Sign up for The Coaches Toolkit Giveaway HERE.

Here’s to free biz tools that you can use right away (because, really, who doesn’t like biz tools for free?!)


Like skipping to the end? Here’s the scoop! The 2nd Annual Coaches’ Toolkit Giveaway is full of $2,000 worth of incredible biz tools and resources. They’re yours, For FREE… but only until March 27th, so get them while you can!

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