Remember all of the fairy tales from when you were a kid? Like “Hansel and Gretel”, “Jack and the Beanstock”, and “Little Red Riding Hood”?

And the Disney fairy tales (that seem to come out or get remade annually) like “Snow White”, “Cinderella” and, of course, “Frozen”?

Fairy tales typically involve a world of make-believe giants, talking animals, valiant heroes, good v. evil, and LOTS of food – like bread crumbs, beans, poison apples, and picnic baskets full of berries and cheese “to help Grandmother get well”. #whatsupwiththefood #whysomuchfood

But fairy tales can also teach you valuable lessons about believing in your dreams, holding your ground (even when a wolf is trying to blow your house down), outwitting the tricksters, and following your intuition.

Funny how some of those same lessons apply to business. You knew I was going to say that, right?

Here’s the start of a little biz fairy tale for you…

Once upon a time…

A soulful community of fairy godmothers banded together to bestow a treasure trove of gifts on a bunch of heart-centered online entrepreneurs who long to do business (and life!) in a more authentic, aligned way.

This treasure trove of gifts includes their “best of the best” offerings, shared from their very own biz picnic baskets for this special group of entrepreneurs.
These fairy godmothers wove their magical business tips and tricks together with gold thread in a very soulful way, and were honored to share them with those seeking clarity, direction, and time-saving tips.

In fact, they were the very tips and tricks that were the golden keys as to how the fairy godmothers themselves made it through sleepless nights of peas under their mattresses and crazy emperors wearing no clothes… to get to where they are today.

From near and far, heart-centered entrepreneurs came together to learn these tips and tricks. There was much rejoicing across the land as business became more fun, profitable, and most of all… more authentically aligned….

Mmmm hmmm. And guess what? This isn’t a fairy tale…or a Disney movie…

It’s a true story.

(Cue the line of golden trumpets bearing the flags of the kingdom… )

You are cordially invited to join in the rejoicing with other princesses, priestesses, and powerful entrepreneurs for a royal affair hosted by Melissa Williams-Pope: The Aligned Business Giveaway.

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This fabulous giveaway is not a dream, or a fantasy, or a magic carpet ride.

It’s a gathering of those who want to help you take a straighter path to success, rather than following a trail of stale, half-eaten bread crumbs to get the dream business that you want.

Besides getting loved up and legal know-how from me, here’s what else you can receive during this Aligned Business Giveaway soiree!

Golden keys that will show you how to:

  • Grow a thriving Facebook community of adoring fans
  • Prioritize health + self-care as a necessary aligned business activity
  • Write authentic emails your audience can’t WAIT to open
  • Create your own unique profit path
  • Clearly and confidently share what you do so your perfect audience GETS it

Sign up HERE to join the giveaway! It’s totally free to receive these magical gifts.

And just like so many fairy tales, I’ll leave you with this…

When you let down your hair and show your authentic, aligned self (and even the corny side that may be like me who enjoys making business analogies to fairy tales!), it’s far easier to become the belle of the ball!

Won’t you join us? The giveaway goes until June 26th so sign yourself up today.

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Need to get your legal documents in place? Check out my DIY legal templates to protect your website, programs, and business and get them up faster than you can watch an episode of Super Soul Sunday!

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