Back in November, when I was a speaker at Health Coach Mastery Conference at Club Med Sandpiper Bay, I just HAD to go on the trapeze. I had a great time flying through the air last year at Club Med and I LOVED the rush of pushing through my fears and just doing it.

Here is the video of me on the trapeze:

But wouldn’t you know…As soon as I climbed off of the net, I stumbled upon my dismount and broke my left wrist and sprained my knee (fortunately AFTER my conference presentations were over!).

Lucky for me, I was surrounded by the most loving, caring group of Health Coaches who sprung into action to help me:

  • Cathy Brown Sykora, founder of the Health Coach Group, came up with a plan.
  • Randi Wexler Dukoff, who was also a speaker, located a nearby Urgent Care.
  • Gary Sykora (Cathy’s husband) drove me to be x-rayed and treated.
  • Keynote speaker Penni Shelton helped me get my dinner and walk back to my room.
  • Dr. Peter Rugg, a Functional Medicine ER doc, gave me curcumin (a natural anti-inflammatory spice) and medical reassurance.
  • Patti Rugg offered Reiki healing – and Dr. Rugg, Penni, and Kat Ogar joined in.
  • Chel Hamilton, meditation expert, helped me put on my sweater (seriously – I couldn’t even do that myself!)
  • Debbie LeFever, the event photographer, took this gorgeous photo.
  • Soooo many others at the event offered concern and support.



What a gift it was to be surrounded by loving Health Coaches (and a doctor!) who used holistic healing to complement the splint and ice on my wounds.

I could feel the kindness and healing energy come through my injured knee up through my body through my heart chakra. It was such a blessing to receive.

Right after I came home, I got this pretty hot pink cast! (This photo was taken driving back from the orthopedic surgeon back in November.)



Over the past 2.5 months, I learned to type on half of my keyboard with one finger (ha!), retrain my wrist, and regain flexibility.

And, of course, I broke my LEFT arm and I am left-handed. It is not surprising at all that my left arm was affected because the left side of the body is the “feminine” side – associated with graciousness, ease, and RECEIVING.

I realized how humbling it is to receive support during a time of need – to truly RECEIVE from others.

What I’ve learned from this experience is that it truly does take a village. We need to ask for, and be willing to receive help, because we can’t do it all alone.

Only THEN can we be more, create more, live more – and have the FREEDOM to do what it is that we truly want to do in our businesses and in our lives!

Because so many of those beautiful coaches supported me, I want to pay it forward by sharing with you some of the AMAZING coaches I adore so you can receive their goodness!


1. Marie Forleo’s B-School

I have gained SO MUCH from my B-School experience and the ENTIRE B-School tribe. And now, I’m THRILLED to be one of B-School’s affiliates with an EPIC bonus. Sign up HERE to get on our wait list!


2. Melissa Pharr’s Free Masterclass Series

Mel is one rockstar powerhouse business coach (not to mention an amazing client who totally has her legal ducks in a row!) who can turn words into gold, creative awesome sales funnels and teach you how to create 5-figure months with mindset beliefs. Sign up HERE for this amazing series


3. Kate Northrup’s 21-Day Money Love Challenge

Two years ago, this Challenge helped me tackle crazy-ridiculous debt, build savings, and up my money vibe. As an entrepreneur, I KNEW that I had to face my money stuff and clear the gunk from the past to be able to RECEIVE more. And, you know what? I did it. I got my head out of the sand and my hands into my money. And I now receive a LOT more money in my biz. It totally worked. I want to share this Challenge with you HERE because I personally know that this money shizzle works!


4. Amber Lilyestrom’s Brand Love Bestie Tribe

Amber has created a community for sassy, soul-based business owners to receive year-round brand, business + life coaching ON A BUDGET. This powerful resource provides not only 1:1 coaching and personal development opportunities, but real-time techie Q’s and soul sister pep talks. Take a look HERE – it’s like a gym membership for your business that you will actually use!


5. Colette Belisle & Jessica Valar’s  Free Webinar: Discover How to Grow Your Income, Deepen Your Spiritual Connection & Feel Fulfilled

Join the “dynamic duo of Business + Spirit” Colette Belisle and Jessica Valor in their free training HERE to align your business with your true purpose and priorities. These ladies seriously rock! They’re providing a clear roadmap on how to Empower Your Vision so you can share your gifts with the world and finally live the life you desire.


6. Carol Tuttle’s Dressing Your Truth

I just found Carol recently and I LOVE how she matches the energy of who you are with your clothes! She tells you color, patterns, type of material, hair so you can dress with authenticity. You are getting styled from the inside out, which is a delightfully surprising concept! Check it out HERE.

I hope you find new connections and inspiration here – because we’re all connected, and we need to help each other. We each have our own unique gifts to bring to the planet. And I’m so grateful to be connected to you all.

Here’s to flying trapezes (yes, I will do it again sometime!), receiving help, and expressing gratitude!

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