iCoach Magazine – GIVE edition – November 2013

Have you ever thought about the fact that when you feel safe, you also feel free? And when you feel free your business can grow.  You feel secure and protected so you lean forward, you take risks and you fly high – knowing full well that the net will catch you below.

On the other hand, have you ever noticed that when you feel unsafe, you tend to stay stuck?  You don’t risk. You don’t jump. You stay put.  You somehow find yourself scared to draw outside of the lines.  Your business is stagnant. You become paralyzed.  You feel small.

While you sit snug in your nest, you are fully aware that your nest egg isn’t growing at all.

In business, the systems and protections that we put in place become the net that gives us the security to fly.

So What Systems and Protections Should You Put in Place?

The systems and protections differ for each coach. Why? Because each of our businesses are different. But, when we take steps to do things like add accounting and financial systems, automate e-newsletters, and create legal business entities, we are literally adding building blocks that allow us to feel safe. We are creating a firm foundation to support our business as it grows – a net to catch us as we leap.

Business systems and legal protections are investments of time, energy and dollars, for sure.  No question about it. But they are necessary – and not only that, they are nothing less than gifts to yourself. Gifts that allow you to exhale and relax – so you can feel safe to stretch and fly (not to mention sleep at night!)

It’s funny how easy it is to leave the nest when you know your business is safe and sound. As we head into the holiday season, give your business the gift of a net – so you can leap into the new year watching your nest egg grow.

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