Here’s my #1 secret weapon – and the absolute key to my success: My team.

When I attended the Mindshare Summit in San Diego last month, host JJ Virgin said over and over again that “collaboration with like-minded people is one of the keys to success.”

Going it alone will only burn you out – and bum you out. It’s hard to do it all yourself. It can feel scary to hire a team at first, but you just build it the same way you build your business – one step at a time.

I can wholeheartedly say that I would be an exhausted-puddle-on-the-floor without the beautiful crew that keeps me afloat. My team has grown SO much in the past year, and now I am lucky enough to work with these talented lifesavers:

  • My Creative Marketing Director Heather Jernigan who helps me with copywriting, launches, website content and so much more.
  • My Virtual Assistant Amy Kozak who pays my affiliates, stays on top of finances, and manages the technology and support side of my biz.
  • My Graphic Designer Cassi Goozen who has been designing my gorgeous images for my new website (to be unveiled soon – I know I keep saying that, but truly, we’re almost done!)
  • My Website Developer Laura Sprinkle who has designed my new website to help me birth my new branding (did I mention it’ll be coming soon – before it snows in New England, I promise!)
  • My Personal Brand Stylist & Video Director Carrie Montgomery to help dress in the colors of the chakras and get me more visible with video (which has been a FEAT, let me tell you!)
  • My Writing Coach Anjanette Fennell who has been keeping me on track with writing my first book – we only have 2 more chapters before edits begin!
  • My Book Editor Sarah Barbour who is anxiously awaiting my rough book manuscript to whip it into tip-top shape!
  • My Proofreader Michelle Schweitzer who was my former colleague and who just came on board has an eagle eye to catch typos (my Achilles’ heel!)
  • My Accountant Lori Aliberti who files my corporate tax returns 4x a year, personal tax return with my hubby, and works with our financial planner to help us plan for the future.

Whew! I am so incredibly grateful for all this support because it allows me to focus on my zone of genius which is sharing Legal Love™ with you!

Do you have a team? Are you getting ready to bring on a virtual assistant or graphic designer sometime soon?

Did you start working with someone but you don’t have an agreement?

Not to worry! Use a written agreement with your team member so you both can feel CLEAR and COMFORTABLE working together and have a solid contract about services, payment, and more.



That’s why I’m so excited to offer 2 new DIY legal templates to help you bring on certain team members, save money, and get legally covered 24/7.

Learn more and grab your:
DIY Agreement for Hiring a Virtual Assistant HERE.

DIY Agreement for Hiring a Graphic Designer HERE.

And, this is important: Using an agreement means that your team member is contracting with you as an INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR – they’re not becoming your employee.

This is a huge legal – and practical – distinction for you to make crystal clear from the outset to cover your legal buns. Your contract will state that as an independent contractor they:

  • will pay their own taxes
  • dictate their working hours (not you)
  • and more!

Need an agreement for a DIFFERENT type of team member? I’m constantly creating new DIY Legal Templates, so contact me to chat about it!

Here’s to growing your team – and using contracts to create clarity!

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