I don’t know about you, but I love learning from experts.

For the past 3.5 years, I have sat and watched star-studded, established coaches like these and soaked up all of their advice, suggestions, tips and pointers.

You know, biz owners who have been in the online entrepreneurial world longer than I have, and who aren’t afraid to fully shine their light. # shinebabyshine

Experts like the 24 soulful (and thriving!) coaches and mentors who are the lovely #rockstar Life Coach Jeannine Yoder’s “Celebrity Mentors” (from her Mentor Masterclass Life Coach Training) including:

:: Nisha Moodley
:: Sarah Jenks
:: Lisa Fabrega
:: Cora Poage
:: Erin Stutland
:: Alexandra Jamieson
:: Alexis Neely
:: Laura Dinstell
:: Jacob Sokol

… and MORE!

And, if you are a secret wisdom-seeker like me, you’ll love this…

My friend and colleague Jeannine Yoder (“Jey” for short!) is sharing the most important technique she used to get paying clients her first week in business, fill her practice quickly, and make a six-figure income during her FREE Mentor Masterclass Holiday Challenge. #ilovefreeholidaychallenges

Jey’s Holiday Challenge starts TOMORROW – and she’s inviting her 24 “Celebrity Mentors” to join her in sharing their self-care and business tips and wisdom to help you celebrate the holidays with ease! 

You’ll receive daily quick 5-minute video tips with easy-peasy self-care action steps so you can start your year with intention and focus.


The Mentor Masterclass Holiday Challenge starts TOMORROW! Join for free here

Not only that, but I am super-excited to share that I am actually joining these powerhouse coaches as one of Jeannine Yoder’s Mentor Masterclass “Celebrity Mentors” too!  #saywhat

YEP! I am honored and excited to have been asked by Jey to participate right alongside some of my own business heroines and #rockstar coaches like Nisha Moodley, Lisa Fabrega, Alexandra Jamieson and more! #dreamcometrue

So when you join the Holiday Challenge, you’ll also hear Gena Single Jaffe & me share a LEGAL Holiday Challenge & Self-Care Tip.

We’re featured on Day 20, so you won’t want to miss it!

(Yep! Gena and I are teaming up again! #sparklyandsoulfullawyers)


Join me for this fun, inspiring, easy-peasy Holiday Challenge HERE.

If you are a woman who is tired of the masculine “striving” model and who is looking for ease, flow, freedom, and femininity, this Challenge is for you. Is that you? #thatwouldbeme

I myself have been working on balancing my hard-driving masculine side with my heartfelt feminine side so this Holiday Challenge is perfectly timed for me, personally.

I am really eager to hear what so many of these coaches have to say and then apply their “golden nuggets” to my own unique business with a twist.

Want to join me in learning tips to set yourself up right for 2016, receiving support, and sharing in community during this special time of year? Get the deets HERE.

I’m sooo excited for this Challenge, and I hope to see you there!

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