I was beyond thrilled that HUNDREDS of entrepreneurs like you joined me for my free legal call last night to receive guidance around having a strong refund policy.
Those who listened were able to receive a Refund Policy Template with 3 versions, based on whether you give:
- FULL refunds
- PARTIAL refunds
- Or NO refunds at all
During the call, I shared my BEST LEGAL TIP about refund policies, along with 3 CRITICAL REASONS to use a refund policy.
You can still register for the the call recording HERE.
During the call I also shared a sneak peek into how to go bare AND get yourself legally covered with 8 – yes 8! – of the most important legal documents and checklists you need so you can protect your income, your website text, and your brand – not to mention your time, energy and sanity!
I am so thrilled to announce the Fall version of:
Find out more and sign up to go bare™ HERE.
Why should you want to take this course NOW to protect yourself, your biz and your brand?
So glad you asked!
Because by the end of this course, you’ll feel:
- Grounded and secure with a strong legal base
- Free and clear to share it all
- Confident your policies are in writing – and have your back!
- Happy your contracts are simple (so your clients won’t run for the hills!)
- Professional and credible so you’ll be taken seriously
- Proud to feel like a “real business” owner (finally!)
- Relieved and at ease to create whatever you want
And, you’ll have 8 legal documents, templates, and checklists in clear, easy-to-understand, plain English, an understanding of what each one says, and you’ll know EXACTLY how to use them in your business right off the bat!
I offered this course this Spring, and I was so grateful to receive so many gushing testimonials from my beautiful go bare graduates who said that they felt:
:: EMPOWERED – to have their legal ducks in a row
:: GUIDED – each step of the way (like I pulled up a chair and sat next to them)
:: CLEAR – about what each document said and how to use it
:: SECURE- to know they have solid legal protection in place now
:: EXPANSIVE to go out and play big – no longer hiding and keeping themselves small
Who doesn’t want that?! #everyonewantsthat
Sign up to go bare™ HERE.
Check out what Alicia and Gina said about how happy they were to go bare™:
Here’s what you receive:
- 7 Modules with DIY documents, audio guides + video clips of key legal tips released each Monday starting September 21
- 8 DIY legal documents + checklists to download, save and personalize
- Live Weekly Group Legal Love™ Q&A Calls to ask any question you want
- Facebook group to PLAY BIG and go bare together (hee hee!)
- Lifetime Access to everything
- 7 amazing Bonus Gifts to support the Chakras including meditations, manifesting tips, angel readings, space clearings, and more!
AND…that’s not all, folks!
- NEW this Fall! Everyone receives a 1-Hour Legal Power Hour with Lisa – private access to Lisa in one 60-minute phone call to ask any question about your DIY documents (trust me, peeps, you can’t get this ANYWHERE else!)
Do you really want your business to be legally naked? Sign up now at lisafraley.com/gobare and save BIG MONEY!
I never want you to feel like you don’t have a lawyer to turn to for help or that you don’t know where to go to get your legal steps in place or to ask questions.
That’s why on Thursday, September 10, I’m having a LIVE Legal Q&A Call so you can ask me any legal question you want. The fabulous Gina Gomez, Business Coach and Creator of Five in Five: 5 Questions in 5 Minutes™, is going to host the call so you can call in and get your burning legal questions answered. Watch your inbox for the deets, and in the meantime….
I hope you join me to dive in and go bare™ starting September 21!
Here’s to getting your legal ducks in a row – and going bare together!