At the end of a year, we often are encouraged to let go of the past, drop the things that didn’t work, and say goodbye to outdated goals, dreams and relationships.
Sometimes letting go can feel light and gentle – like letting go of a string to a balloon and letting it float upwards to the sky.
But, sometimes letting go of a dream (or a friendship) can feel like such a loss. It can feel so heavy – and so final. When that happens, my whole inclination is to resist letting go. All I want to do is hold on tight. Sometimes I dig in my heels and I really resist.
I hate it when I feel that way though. It just feels so icky, you know? So this year I have decided to reframe “letting it go” in a different way.
I am replacing “let it go” with “inviting expansion”.
Ooooh, doesn’t that just feel so much lighter? Just saying the words “inviting expansion” feels so expansive, even if simply because it takes so much longer to say them. LOL.
“Expansion” happens to be one of my core desired feelings for 2015, along with “electric” and “ease”. (If you have no idea what I am talking about when I say “core desired feelings”, check out The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte to learn how to identify your own core desired feelings. Trust me, you will love it.)
Instead of thinking of letting go of something, I am inviting expansion so something new to enter.
I just love that.
It feels more like creating space. Opening doors. Spreading wings. Inhaling.
Expansion feels like freedom and room and space, kissed with light, positive energy.
Not like loss at all.
As you head into the New Year, what can you EXPAND in your business so you can feel better, lighter, and more profitable?
How can you reach farther to grow your business while making sure your business is secure and protected on a solid legal foundation?
What do you need to do to make sure all of your legal ducks in a row?
The start of a new year is a good time to ask yourself:
- Are all of your key legal agreements in place?
- Is it time to form an LLC?
- Do you have your website disclaimer and terms + conditions updated on your website?
- Do you need to trademark your new biz name or tagline?
If you want to get your little yellow rubber duckies lined up in YOUR business, but you have NO IDEA what to do, or when you need to do it… well, my friend, you are in luck!
Back in September, over 500 (!) entrepreneurs joined me for my very first e-course called “7 Days to Get Legally Enlightened™” – and I am excited to announce that I am re-releasing it again now for the new year at a special rate!
7 Days to Get Legally Enlightened™ is a 7-day e-course delivered straight to your inbox that tells you the 7 most common legal steps you need as an entrepreneur – now and as you grow in your business.
It’s a simple, quick, easy way for you to figure out what you legally need for your unique business – all in plain English without any legal mumbo-jumbo – and with LOTS of Legal Love™.
I am gifting it to you at a ridiculously low, special New Year’s rate of just $97 now through January 11th because I want you to start the year off in a state of expansion, feeling safe, secure, confident and empowered as a small business owner.
As you head into 2015, take a sec to think about it…how would you like to expand in your business? How would you like to strengthen the foundation of your business so you can start the year off right?
I invite you to learn about what legal steps you need so you don’t have to worry or stress any more.
I invite you to receive 7 days of e-mails to gift yourself with legal CLARITY.
I invite you to start your year off right with 7 Days to Get Legally Enlightened™.
I invite you to enter the New Year feeling legally enlightened, empowered, and expanded.
Here’s to inviting expansion in 2015!