The LAST thing you want is:
- To create a beautiful website and then see your content get swiped by a copycat
- To land a new client and then turn into Nervous Nellie because you don’t have a top-notch Client Agreement
- To unveil your newest online course and then a buyer demands a refund – AFTER downloading your juicy content.
I am all about showing you where your biz might be legally naked and exposing you to risk – and then giving you easy, simple solutions.
The law doesn’t need to be a snoozer, so my new legal course for entrepreneurs includes lots of legal tips packaged into fun little video clips, like these:
- “How a Website Disclaimer Covers Your Buns”
- “How Your Client Agreement Helps You Never Chase Down a Dime”
- “How to Keep Wanna-Be Copycats from Swiping your Copy”
- “How to Practically Refund-Proof What You Sell Online”
- “How Do You Know What’s Trademark-Worthy”
And MORE! Here’s a sneak peek at the ACTUAL video from Module 1 in the course:
Each video is short and sweet and to the point. Kind of like a postcard to your grandma from your recent sunny vacation. Or a Hershey’s Kiss. Or a tweet.
Because I know you have no freaking time to sit and watch long videos. #thatsforsure #zzzzzzz
So, if you are on the fence and need to get your legal act together, I don’t want you to miss out!
There are just 2 more days to sign up!

Join me INSIDE with us before the doors close on Monday at 11:59pm ET!
We start the course on Monday!!! Are you in?
Just sign up here.
Here’s to short video clips, postcards to your grandma, and getting your legal act together!