The LAST thing you want is:

  • To create a beautiful website and then see your content get swiped by a copycat
  • To land a new client and then turn into Nervous Nellie because you don’t have a top-notch Client Agreement
  • To unveil your newest online course and then a buyer demands a refund – AFTER downloading your juicy content.



I am all about showing you where your biz might be legally naked and exposing you to risk – and then giving you easy, simple solutions. 

The law doesn’t need to be a snoozer, so my new legal course for entrepreneurs includes lots of legal tips packaged into fun little video clips, like these:

  • “How a Website Disclaimer Covers Your Buns”
  • “How Your Client Agreement Helps You Never Chase Down a Dime”
  • “How to Keep Wanna-Be Copycats from Swiping your Copy”
  • “How to Practically Refund-Proof What You Sell Online”
  • “How Do You Know What’s Trademark-Worthy”

And MORE! Here’s a sneak peek at the ACTUAL video from Module 1 in the course:

Each video is short and sweet and to the point. Kind of like a postcard to your grandma from your recent sunny vacation. Or a Hershey’s Kiss.  Or a tweet.

Because I know you have no freaking time to sit and watch long videos. #thatsforsure #zzzzzzz

So, if you are on the fence and need to get your legal act together, I don’t want you to miss out!

There are just 2 more days to sign up!

8 legal docs

Join me INSIDE with us before the doors close on Monday at 11:59pm ET!

We start the course on Monday!!! Are you in?

Just sign up here.

Here’s to short video clips, postcards to your grandma, and getting your legal act together!

red dots image