I love being a trendsetter.
I love thinking out of the box.
I love having the freedom to create a program with someone else that is fun, light, flirty and bare.
I have gotten so much positive feedback recently about bringing my gifts together with another lawyer, Gena Shingle Jaffe, to do business in a more “feminine” way by co-creating a legal course collaboratively rather than competitively. #notyourtypicallawyer
Because you are a part of my tribe, you already know that I am someone with a deep spiritual side AND a lighter ease-filled approach to the law so it only makes sense that this program has a big “AND” in it. A program that combines being a “Damsel” business owner and solopreneur with having the courage to “go bare” and share your heart and soul through your work.
AND, I have some unbelievable news that will make your day!
Ready for this?
I bet you didn’t know that you didn’t have to scoop up Damsel goes bare™ at the 2-day Early Bird price to make it super affordable.
Because I believe that legal documents should not be ridiculously expensive – because that’s so unnecessary.
Damsel goes bare™ is legally loaded with over $20,000 worth of templates, education, and instruction – not to mention: Q&A call and personal Facebook group attention from both of us – for only $2497.
AND, Gena and I are offering a payment plan that we know will make laying your legal groundwork extremely easy. You can prepare yourself legally with a rock solid business foundation with 5 payments of $547. #breakingitdown.
That means that you can join Damsel goes bare at the cost of booking one or two clients per month, and you get your Client Agreement templates in week one to start using right away!!!
Your intuition is probably telling you that your business is going to be HUGE.
If you’re like many of our clients, it might be blowing up already.
So you want to make sure you’re set up to protect and support your future success.
Let’s make sure you’re set up for safety (sparkly, soulful safety, of course!)
Get the juicy details about the 8 legal documents included in Damsel goes bare™ HERE.
Here’s to collaboration, setting up for safety, and going bare!