I have so many entrepreneurs ask me, “Lisa, what does it REALLY mean to get legally covered? And is it REALLY necessary for my business?”
Such great questions! I can see why so many people ask.
You may be thinking, “I’m just be starting out so it’s probably too soon for me to take legal steps.”
Or, you might be thinking, “What are the odds that someone would ever really come after me?”
I get it. I totally get it.
But, I always like to joke around and say, “Well…. You know you need to use protection, right?” #puntotallyintended
Yep! We’ve all heard since we were teenagers that we need to use protection when it comes to the birds and the bees to avoid getting ourselves into trouble … and the same is true for your business!
You need to use protection for your business too. Legal protection, that is! #bettersafethansorry
I recorded this Periscope video for you to talk about what it really means to get legally protected and why it’s so important.
Here are some of the reasons WHY you want to get protected:
- You stop feeling so scared and small that you are doing or saying something wrong and somehow exposing yourself to risk.
- You shift your energy so that you don’t even HAVE to worry about people coming after you or being legally exposed.
- You know you are safe so you so you feel free to show up and bare your heart and soul into the world.
- You feel grounded because you know that when you are taking a flying leap into that next level of your business, you can just relax.
When you are protected, you feel confident and powerful, and safe.
So what does it mean to actually get legally covered?
You probably have a ton of questions, and you aren’t sure what you need for your own business.
- What do I need to do now if have NOTHING in place?
- Do I really need to use a contract for my VA or website designer?
- When is the right time to create an LLC or S-Corp?
- What if I have a full-time job and I am just working part-time in my business?
- Should I be trademarking my program name or something?
People have SO many legal questions – and the law can feel really confusing at times.
It’s my personal mission as a Legal Coach® and Attorney to educate and empower you to get legally protected in your business so you can feel safe and secure to create anything you want.
I never want you to feel like you don’t have a lawyer to turn to for help or that you don’t know where to go to get your legal steps in place or to ask questions.
That’s why on Thursday, September 10 at 7 pm ET/4 pm PT I’m having a LIVE Legal Q&A Call so you can ask me any legal question you want. Yep! Any question at all. Nothing is too big or too small… ALL of your questions are welcome!
The fabulous Gina Gomez, Business Coach and Creator of Five in Five: 5 Questions in 5 Minutes™, is hosting the call so you can listen in and get your most burning legal questions answered during the call!
Join me for the LIVE Legal Q&A HERE.
I hope you join me for this rare opportunity to get all of your legal questions answered live (and completely for free, I might add!) so you can get clear on what you need to get legally covered for YOUR business.
Here’s to more Periscope videos, using legal protection, and free Q&A calls!