This past week, I was on center stage… and I bared it all.
I was asked to be on the Success Panel by Carey Peters and Stacey Morgenstern of Holistic MBA in a HUGE auditorium with 3 other graduates of some of their most popular programs during their 3-day live event in New York City. #soexciting
I was invited to share how exactly 3.5 years ago, I was sitting in the audience in a hotel ballroom scratching my head and wondering how I was going to build a successful coaching practice from the ground up…and how in just a few short years, I have actually accomplished that goal and built a multi-6 figure business.
I’ll let you in on a little secret though…
Back in October, I was asked to speak on this same Success Panel at their last HMBA Live event. #dejavous
I did so, but 6 months ago, I was utterly TERRIFIED of telling “my story” on stage. I felt extremely vulnerable and I was a nervous wreck for weeks beforehand. I was scared to share my fears and also my successes. It just felt so vulnerable to share all of the highs and lows of my own personal journey on stage in front of a large audience.
Even though I am totally comfortable with public speaking (I’ve given over 70 corporate wellness seminars as a Health Coach and spoken in front of a crowd of 1,000 as an Attorney), when it comes to talking about ME personally…well, back in October, I just wanted to run and hide under the couch. Like my cat. #meow
I’ve never been one to seek the spotlight.
My sister, on the other hand…well, she was in ONE play in high school and she got the Drama Award that year. She’s the one who was BORN for the limelight. (Seriously!) Me, on the other hand, not so much.
I have spent most of my life squishing down my accomplishments and downplaying my successes, my assets, and my body… NOT wanting to draw attention to any of them.
If you are anything like me, you probably have been dimming your light too.
But, back in January, I decided that one of my New Year’s Goals for 2015 was to make a commitment to stretching myself, visibly and vulnerably, to stand in my own light and do my best to live by every word of Brene Brown’s “Wholehearted Living” quote. (LOVE!)
Interestingly enough, THIS TIME when I spoke on stage, I wasn’t scared at all. Not for a second.
I didn’t feel vulnerable. I didn’t feel unworthy. I didn’t downplay my strengths. I completely owned all of my accomplishments.
I fully stood in my spotlight. And it felt good.
It is incredible how much I have grown over the past 6 months. So what changed in such a short time?
- I committed to building my legal coaching business by following my own timeline and intuition, just taking baby step after baby step, day after day, avoiding comparisonitis as much as possible and keeping squarely focused on what I wanted to build.
- I committed to telling my full story – fears and all – even when I felt vulnerable.
- I committed to going bare.
And, believe me, if I can do it… ANYONE can do it! Truly anyone.
All it takes is a good dose of courage and the willingness to let yourself stand in the light. Not just showing yourself at the surface level…but letting the stuff deep down show up too. #showtherealyou
Have the courage to let the REAL you be seen. #bebrave
I invite you to consider:
- What can YOU do to embrace “Wholehearted Living” and show up bravely in your own life (imperfections and all)?
- How can you allow the REAL you be more visible?
- How can you stand tall, fully in your spotlight?
I know it sounds kind of cliché (or even corny) to talk about “standing in your light”, but one thing that I have learned over the past 6 months is that being brave enough to stand up and be truly seen is what allows you stretch and grow and become a leader in your field. #visibilityiskey
Thank you for letting me share this part of my own evolution with you, and for joining me in my celebration of taking the stage without any fear this time! It is really, really humbling for me to reveal this part of my journey with you.
I hope that in some small way it inspires you to stretch yourself to let the real you be more visible too.
Here’s to shining your light, being seen, and taking center stage!