Are you a health coach like me? (Yes! I’m a Legal Coach & Attorney but am ALSO a health coach!)

If so, you probably know about every.single.cleanse out there. The 7-Day cleanse. The juice cleanse. The clean eating cleanse. #welovecleanses

You thrive on knowing the multitudes of benefits of eating dark leafy greens, especially kale. #kalechips #kale salad #kalesinasmoothie

I know I do. Every morning I make my husband Scott a yummy green smoothie. With a heaping tablespoon of almond butter, almond milk, flaxseed, egg protein powder, a little stevia, a handful of leafy greens, and a banana, He absolutely LOVES it. #obsessed

That’s what health coaches do.

We health coaches try to take good care of our spouses, our kids – and even our pets!

We KNOW how much our loved ones – and our potential clients – SHOULD be doing to improve their health and wellness…but we don’t like to “should” on them or nag them. (Cause nagging goes over like a ton of bricks at my house!)

So HOW do we get them to see the light?

HOW are we supposed to help others in a way that doesn’t leave US stressed out and needing a health coach ourselves?

I’ve been recommending a LOT of other health coaches and biz tools lately, but I really love helping connect you with coaches and programs I am inspired by.

And I just have to tell you about Carmen Hunter.

Carmen’s a powerhouse health coach. I connected with her a few months ago when she signed up for a free 20-minute Legal Chat so I could answer some of her legal questions – and we found out we both were in the rainforests of Costa Rica within a week of each other over the holidays. Crazy right?

That call led to Carmen asking me to be her legal expert on a free 90-minute webinar where I shared more legal info than I have ever shared before at one time – and 200 health coaches signed up in a heartbeat! (If you missed it, you can still catch the webinar HERE.)

So I know first-hand how committed Carmen to helping health coaches know what to do to legally protect themselves and to have the right tools to coach from a place of confidence.

I want to invite you to her free upcoming training called:

Health Coaching with Confidence:
Three Secrets to Health Coaching You Didn’t Learn in School That Will Help You Save Time, Avoid Liability
and Generate More Income Doing What You Love.


You can reserve your seat for Carmen’s training HERE.

Here’s a sneak peek of what Carmen is going to share:

:: The top 6 coaching mistakes she sees and how to avoid them.

:: A high-mileage intake form that can be used with every single client no matter what their condition or goals are (so you can chuck those old “Health History” forms!)

And, my favorite part!

:: Coaching skills that reduce liability so you can have peace of mind and feel confident in your approach. #legallove

Join Carmen HERE.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity!

Here’s to health coaching with confidence and to learning from other inspiring coaches!

It’s tax time! Need to hire an accountant but have NO idea what to ask when hiring one? No worries! I’ve got you covered!  Get instant access to a free checklist of questions to use when hiring an accountant. (Here’s to getting your financial ducks in a row – you’ll be glad you did! You’re welcome!)


Need a simple DIY legal template for your online business? Save boatloads of time & money on these easy-to-use DIY templates from Website Disclaimers to Client Agreements to Privacy Policies and MORE at You get directions how to fill them out & LOTS of Legal Love so you aren’t going it alone!


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