It’s a new year. Everything can be seen in a new light.
I love turning a blank page for a new year. Setting new goals. Wondering what will emerge in the coming year. Reflecting on the past, but then turning on a light switch to the future.
I am obsessed with light.
I have always loved the phrase: “Let there be light.” It’s Biblical.
Did you know that LIGHT is associated with the number 11 (just like 11:11 that I talked about in my last post)?
According to Kari Samuels, Intuitive Counselor + Happiness Coach and Numerologist, “The 11 energy creates a current of light, insight, and intuition that’s almost electric. In fact, the word “LIGHT” adds up to number 11 in numerology.”
(And, my friends, “electric” also happens to be one of my CDFs for 2015. Interrrrrresting!)
So, it’s must not be by chance that I have a “truthbomb” quote by Danielle LaPorte tacked to my vision board over my desk that says “all light all the time”.
Or, that one of the first spiritual books I first read about 14 years ago was “The Dark Side of the Light Chasers” by Debbie Ford. (Changed my life!)
And so that’s probably why “Step into the legal light” felt so good when I started helping entrepreneurs get out of the dark and Get Legally Enlightened™ about how to protect yourself and your business.
It’s also why I connected “light” to my super-cool 7 day e-course called “7 Days to Get Legally Enlightened™”.
Stepping into the legal light is incredibly important for creating a strong legal foundation.
It is critical to be aware and empowered about what legal steps to take so you can create a loving legal container to hold ALL that you have worked so hard to build in your business.
I wanted to make it as EASY AS POSSIBLE for you to learn about the 7 most important legal steps for your business in a way that is, well, simple, LIGHT, fun – and chock full of Legal Love™. (Trust me, “fun” is probably not what you would get if you went to a traditional lawyer!)
And I wanted to give you a ridiculously low rate for this top-notch legal info for your business because I want you to be ENLIGHTENED when it comes to the law, so you know exactly what to do – and when to do it.
From now through January 11th, 7 Days to Get Legally Enlightened™ is just $97 (regularly $197).

Here’s how 7 Days to Get Legally Enlightened™ works:
You receive 7 Daily E-mails and – like magic! – you walk away with your Legal Roadmap showing WHAT, WHY, WHEN, and HOW to put legal protections in place for your business. In 10 minutes a day, this e-course spells out the RIGHT legal steps for you. Presto!
You get:
- Daily E-mails – Each morning you will receive a Daily E-mail about an important legal protection. Followed by 5 simple questions to help you get clear if it applies to you.
- Legal Roadmap – Then you check off a small section of your Legal Roadmap, and on Day 7 you have a clear picture of your own unique legal plan – and your next steps.
- Private Facebook Group with Legal Q & A – Not only that, but you are invited to join the Get Legally Enlightened™ Facebook group, where you get FREE access to ask me any legal question you want. What?! A lawyer giving away FREE info ANYTIME – I know that’s UNHEARD OF! Yes! I am here to support you every step of the way!
Check out how some of the e-course participants raved about 7 Days to Get Legally Enlightened™ back in September:
- “I just want to tell you how fantastic this course is – it’s simple and I love how you put it in the chakra context!”
- “This is so generous. Thank you for providing this so much legal info in this 7 day course! I am learning so much. Now I know what I need now – and what can wait.”
- “I love the whole vibe of this course and the colorfulness of your posts and pics. So not typical for a lawyer! This is genius!”
- “Thank goodness for this course – or I would be up a legal creek without a paddle!”
Doesn’t this sound like something that will help you step into the legal light for 2015? Then join me!
Don’t forget – grab this special offer of $97 only through January 11th at 11:11pm before the price goes back up to $197!
Here’s to stepping into the legal light!