Hellloooo this is a test!









Layout – You can either choose to display your blog posts in a grid or a full width layout.

Posts Number – Define the number posts that you wish to display. You will need to have posts made for anything to show up inside of this module.

– Select the categories that you would like to include in the post feed. Any post categories that you have created will show up here for you to select/deselect

Included Categories

Meta Date Format – Define the date format that you would like to display on your blog posts here. The default layout is a M j, Y formate (January 6, 2014) See the WordPress Codex on date formats for more options.

Featured Image – This option allows you to choose whether or not you would like thumbnail images to appear in your blog module

Content – Showing the full content will not truncate your posts on the index page. Showing the excerpt will only display your excerpt text.

Author – Choose whether or not you would like to display the author of each blog post.

Date – Choose whether or not you would like to display the date on which each post was created.

Categories – Choose whether or not you would like to display post categories.

Pagination – Choose whether or not you would like to display pagination for this feed. To enable numbered pagination, you will need to install the WP Page Navi plugin.