Your business is your baby.

And you want to keep it SAFE.

Wrapped in cozy contracts, dependable disclaimers and trusty trademarks….except you may not know the first thing about some of these legal parts!

Lucky for YOU, fellow lawyer extraordinaire Gena Shingle Jaffe and I have teamed up to bring you a shiny, new WEBINAR SERIES for FREE so you can get all of the legal basics you need to know.

Gena brings the sparkles, I bring the soul, and we’re on a mission to help you go from an aspiring newbie entrepreneur or a growing-like-a-weed biz owner to a FULL THROTTLE HEAD BIZ LEADER!  #ladyboss

So that you can…

  • Make every legal decision with confidence.
  • Set up your business right and make it super-official.
  • Get the low-down and high points on agreements and contracts to protect your cash!

Join us for this free LIVE Webinar Series (yep – totally LIVE!) All for FREE and for FUN beginning on November 3rd!  You’ll even get the chance to ask us questions LIVE on the line.

Sign up HERE to get in on the Legal Love! (All webinars are LIVE but they will be recorded so you’ll need to sign up to receive them).

Here’s to sparkles, soul and safeguarding your sassy self!

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