Do you want to share ideas with with a friend so you can create a program, product, or service together?

Let’s say you have a fab creative idea and you know you’re sitting on a gold mine.

You are super-excited to join forces with your friend or a fellow entrepreneur, but your “inner protector” has a tiny twinge of worry that your friend might take and use your idea without giving you credit. (Eeeks!)

It’s normal to be a little concerned. (As much as you love your friend.)

It’s wise to listen to your intuition. It’s key to create beautiful boundaries to hold your ideas. It’s important to create clarity with your friend.

Using a written Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) protects your creative ideas so you can relax knowing you are on the same page BEFORE you share them.


Confidentiality Agreement

A Confidentiality Agreement (also called a Non-Disclosure Agreement) is a legally binding agreement that says how the other person can and can’t disclose the information that you share with them.

It spells out and defines what you consider to be “confidential information”, which can vary based on what kind of a practitioner or coach you are.

For example, if you sell physical products, you’ll likely want to include language in your definition of “confidential information” that protects your product packaging ideas.

If you offer services, you’ll likely want your Confidentiality Agreement to protect your program content and ideas – or even the program name.

Confidentiality Agreements are “not one-size fits all”, so be sure you aren’t using a generic cut-and-paste document.

You need the right language for you and your biz specialty.

Not only that – this is uber-important!- Your friend/colleague needs to sign it BEFORE you sit down and share all of your genius ideas with her.

Having a written agreement protects you in PRACTICAL ways by having a signed contract that you both agree to and understand that you can fall back on if needed.

It also protects you ENERGETICALLY by drawing clear boundaries about how the information can be shared outside of the two of you, which supports your sacral chakra.

Are you thinking of partnering with someone and want to swap ideas?

Get your DIY Confidentiality Agreement/NDA here.

I created this DIY Confidentiality Agreement/NDA template and audio guide to save you money and help you get covered 24/7 – even at midnight if you’re a night owl or at 7:00am if you’re an early bird.

Here’s to protecting your amazing creativity while collaborating with others!

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P.S. If you’re a wellness practitioner, listen up! You can hear Summer Bock interview me as her September expert in her “Showcase Club – Where The Top Experts Show You How To Get The Best Outcomes For Your Clients.” It’s a membership program where you get exclusive interviews with the best in the biz wellness rockstars. You can get a trial membership for 30 days for just $1 and listen in. (A total deal!)
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