I have to tell you, I am LOVING sharing legal tips on Periscope! (You can find me @lisa_fraley!)
(In case you have no idea what I am talking about, Periscope is the newest social media platform where you can share live broadcasts around the world and interact with viewers in real time. )
I was in my sunny backyard the other day and I decided to create this Periscope video to share with you (totally on the fly!!) about how to birth + protect your next 1-on-1 program.
Watch the video below:
I talked about how when you’re creating a new 1-on-1 program, it can feel really scary. You are so excited to birth it to the world, but you are also sometimes terrified of how it’s all going to turn out, right?
Maybe it’s the first program you’ve ever done. Maybe it’s a brand new program or offering.
But you know that the program you are about to launch is unique and amazing, and you may be just at the point where you’re ready to roll it out and you hear that little voice in your head saying, “Ooooooh! I know I TOTALLY need protect this program content somehow. But how?”
Creating a new program and getting ready to birth it into the world…well, it’s a lot like pregnancy. #programpregnancy
Just as you get your nursery (and yourself – LOL!) all ready to hold and care for the tiny bundle of joy that you’re about to bring into the world, you also want to get your business and yourself ready to protect and support your new little “program baby” too.
Birthing a program is like a lot like birthing a baby….and when you’re about to give birth, you want to keep that baby as safe and sound as you possibly can.
How do you do that?
Well, when it comes to the baby…I’m no baby guru, that’s for sure, so I can’t help you there!
But, with a 1-on-1 program, it’s simple. You use a Client Agreement.
Client Agreements are SO important because, among other things, they help you:
- protect your income
- put your refund policy in writing
- provide your policies on missed calls or appointments…and much, much more!
And while we’re talking about birthing and creating babies (ahem!) and 1-on-1 programs….
Did you know that birthing, creating AND Client Agreements are aligned with your sacral chakra?
Your sacral chakra is your 2nd chakra, located between the base of your spine and your belly button. If you’re a woman, it’s where your womb is located.
Your sacral chakra is affiliated with creativity, abundance, money, sensuality, pleasure, and trust. And, oh yeah, sex.
Your sacral chakra directly relates to creating and birthing and money… like your 1-on-1 program. So when you get your Client Agreement in place, you are supporting a healthy and balanced sacral chakra. #whoknew #lawisspiritual #chakralove
And in honor of creating and birthing – and the freedom to make money through your 1-on-1 programs – I have a little gift for you. #legallove
Here’s my gift to you: Use this coupon code FREEDOM to save 30% on Client Agreements HERE through July 31st.
If you’re about to birth your “program baby” into the world, I want to be sure you are protecting and supporting yourself and your business with a Client Agreement.
Just like you want to protect and support a real baby.
Here’s to Periscope videos, the excitement of birth– and to protecting your “program baby” with a Client Agreement!