Do you have this image in your mind that you will e-mail a Client Agreement to a new prospect you are DYING to work with and they will take one look at it and go running for the hills – and  then you will have NO client and NO income and you will have to CLOSE your business and you will NEVER be able to leave your dreaded day job. Eeeks!

Client Agreements can feel REALLY SCARY at first.

Yeah, I totally get it.

Even though I’ve been sharing a lot of tips lately on Periscope about how THE BEST WAY to protect your 1-on-1 program is to use a Client Agreement, I know it can still feel really scary to use one – especially the first time you do it.

(If you missed them, you can check out How to Birth + Protect Your Next 1-on-1 Program and The #1 Way That Legal Documents Protect You (It Will Surprise You!) and then find me on Periscope at lisa_fraley for more free legal tips.)

You may be someone who thinks, “Yeah, Lisa, I love the idea of using a Client Agreement, but I’m terrified that my clients will freeze up or freak out if I hand them a crazy legal document!”

After all, most legal documents are boring, confusing and totally put you to sleep. #totalsnorer

But the thing is…what most lawyers don’t tell you is that:

  • Client Agreements don’t have to be scary.
  • Client Agreements don’t have to be cold.
  • Client Agreements don’t have to be corporate.

Client Agreements can be clear, kind documents that you share with your clients to help them feel safe and secure, without terrifying them when they see you coming. #thankgoodnessforthat

In fact, I even use COLOR in my legal documents when I prepare them for clients. #gasp! #notyourtypicallawyer

You may not realize it but Client Agreements can be simple, easy-to-understand, and written in plain English.

And, Client Agreements are REALLY about helping you and the client prepare for a healthy, happy experience together. 

Yep! It’s true.  Most people don’t think about Client Agreements this way, but they actually ENHANCE your client’s experience with you.  #paradigmshift

Client Agreements are big GIFTS to clients.


Why? Because Client Agreements:

  • Spell out your policies IN WRITING – so clients know the rules of the game and you both are on the same page.
  • Gather your client policies IN ONE PLACE – so clients don’t have to dig through their e-mails to remember your policies about refunds, missed appointments or cancellations.
  • Make your expectations CLEAR – so clients know how to show up for you (and themselves!) to get the results they seek. #everyonewantsagoldstar  goldstar

Client Agreements make EVERYTHING more comfortable for both of you. They don’t have to be scary at all.

Because I support you, and I want you to feel really good about getting your Client Agreement in place to benefit you AND your clients, I am gifting you with a 30% off on your own Client Agreement that you can use at through July 31st.

You’ll want to hop on this deal if:

  • You need to get your Client Agreement in place BEFORE you launch your next 1-on-1 program this Fall.
  • You’ve been putting off the “legal stuff” for a while but your intuition tells you that NOW is the time to do it.
  • You know that you need to take this step and now you know it DOESN’T HAVE TO BE SCARY!

There’s no time like the present to get your client policies clear, in writing, and in one place so you can legally protected and FREE to launch your next program without worries!

Just as your Client Agreement is your gift to your clients, this little discount code is my gift to you. Enter FREEDOM while you can at to save 30% on your own Client Agreement on or before July 31st.

Here’s to giving gifts to clients and to clear, colorful, non-scary legal documents!

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