Let’s just call a spade a spade: I am a smart cookie, and I know you are too. #ownit

I have a law degree, a Life Coach Certification through Coach U (the same certification as Marie Forleo, by the way!), a Health Coach Certification through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and I am a Certified Fitness Instructor through the American Council on Exercise. WHEW!

But, even with my vast education and knowledge, before I discovered B-School, I really only had a vague idea of how to do online programs or marketing in any consistent way. I truly had no clue.

As recently as a year and a half ago, I didn’t have an e-newsletter. I didn’t “have a list”. I didn’t have any kind of a marketing plan or schedule at all.

I was doing 1-on-1 legal coaching only via word of mouth and a little Facebook posting here and there.

I’m not kidding. That was it.

I thought there must be some secret to online marketing that I didn’t know about – because it felt really overwhelming to me to come up with e-newsletter marketing calendars, social media planners, and all of that stuff you hear about.

And I even wondered, “Do I really need to do that stuff? Am I missing something if I don’t do it? What if I don’t WANT to do all of that anyway?”

The whole marketing piece all felt very confusing – even for a #smartypants like me.

What I loved about Marie Forleo is that she talks about being a “passionate lover of marketing”. When I heard that, I thought to myself, “I want that. I want to be a passionate lover of marketing too.”

I don’t want marketing to feel like a chore or like something I HAVE to do. I want to help people from an authentic place of service and do ONLY the kind of marketing feels good to me – but I didn’t know exactly what that was or whether that would be effective. (Can you relate?)

Marie said when you start running your business like a pro – that means taking it seriously and focusing on making a difference  – both in your life and the lives of others, doors will open for you like no other to grow your own dream business. And, boy she was right!

Watch video #2 HERE to hear more about what she means.



I’ll tell you my story and what happened when those doors opened for me, but first, I need to say this:I was on a Mastermind call today and I was telling the group that it has taken me a LONG time to get comfortable sharing my accomplishments publicly because I have never been one to stand in the light and toot my own horn. Not at all.But, I want to be brave here, and share even more of my story and my successes with you because I attribute SO many of my accomplishments over the past few years to what I learned in B-School – and also to the incredible B-School community of THOUSANDS of entrepreneurs who have become my colleagues,  friends, clients, team members, and tribe who I met online through B-School.

(Even my monthly support group of #MaineRockstarsMastermind are all local B-School gals – and to this day I wonder if we would have ever crossed paths if it weren’t for B-School.)It’s directly because of B-school and the hard work I’ve put into my business that I do this “horn-tooting” with you – because I want you to know that if I can do it, YOU can do it too!

1. I enrolled 500 people  in my very first e-course ever called “7 Days to Get Legally Enlightened.”

Back in September 2014, I created my first 7 day e-course delivered by e-mail that aligned 7 legal steps with the 7 chakras. I offered it for free, and what was uber-important about it is that I had an e-mail subscriber list of only 400 people at the time – and 500 people signed up!  I was astounded. I  knew I was onto something by just focusing on “one person at a time” and giving everyone love and attention (just like Marie said to do!), and this was the first time I could see the results of B-School. I actually felt like “I might be able to do this online thing!”

2. Then, about 6 months later in April 2015, I launched my first PAID online legal course called “get legally covered so you can go bare™” – and it was a $100,000 launch!

Again, I could not believe it. $100,000. Seriously?? For my first launch EVER?? But, I had taken exactly what I learned in my B-School lessons and created videos, audio guides, documents, course modules, e-newsletters, opt-ins, the whole works for an online course….and it completely WORKED!  #thanksmarie #lovebschool #totalgratitude

3. Then, about 6 months after that, I teamed up with fellow B-Schooler and lawyer Gena Shingle Jaffe in August 2015 to create our “sparkly and soulful” online legal course called “Damsel goes bare™.”

And Gena and I are LOVING working together! We had an incredible launch and now we are being invited to speak as a dynamic duo at Wendy Timmons’ “Thrive in NYC” conference and Chantelle Adams’ “SHINE Live” in British Columbia!  People keep telling both of us that they are SHOCKED that two lawyers who could be viewed as “competitors” would choose to “collaborate” by joining forces to create a legal course, but our whole goal is to help people not be legally naked – and TWO B-School lawyers are better than one!!

(Not only that, but Gena and I SO EXCITED to be gifting a B-School bonus called Damsel goes bare™ LITE which you can get for FREE – stay tuned for more info in future e-mails!)



So now that you know some of MY secrets to success, you’ll want to check out Marie’s 2nd video where she shares HER secrets to making millions:


I hope you enjoy the video!

I’d love to hear you “toot YOUR horn” and share YOUR accomplishments with me so comment below (don’t be shy!) and let me know what you’ve done and what was the key to making it happen for you.

I fully believe in the power of B-School given my personal experience with the B-School course, community and experience, and in full disclosure (like a good lawyer!), I need to tell you that I’ll earn a referral fee if you sign up for B-School through me, but you should know that this course is AMAZING and I wouldn’t promote it unless I fully believed in it. Promise.

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