I am soooo happy that some of you personally reached out to say how much you liked my recent FREE Legal Tip of the Day.
I LOVE posting tips on Facebook and educating entrepreneurs about how to legally protect your businesses – one small juicy bite at a time.
In case you didn’t see it (or you forgot what it was), here was last week’s FREE Legal Tip of the Day:
Some of you who reached out were curious as to EXACTLY what I meant when I said that you need to do a “FULL” trademark search. Such a great question. So glad you noticed and you are wondering about that.
Because it’s an important nuance, that’s for sure.
Here is another Trademark Tidbit for you: Doing a cursory trademark search to check out the trademark landscape isn’t the same as a full-on search.
Let me explain….
Let’s say you have a very cool business name or tagline in mind… and you want to find out if the name already has been taken.
It’s not enough to see if a domain name is for sale.
It’s not enough to Google it to see if someone else is using it too.
It’s not enough to check the US Patent & Trademark database to see if a trademark application already has been filed.
I wish it were, but it’s just not enough.
Those steps make for a great start, that’s for sure. But, you have to go BEYOND that and look for names that are substantially similar as well. Not just the same name, but ones that are substantially similar also.
A full trademark search is broader, deeper and wider-ranging.
And that, my friend, is your Trademark Tidbit today.
My goal is to break legal info down for you into bite-sized tips and kits, so the law becomes easy and painless – with a dose of levity to lighten things up.
Soooo many clients ask me about trademarks:
- What is a trademark exactly?
- How does it protect me?
- Do I REALLY need one?
- How does trademarking work?
- What’s the process for getting a trademark?
I am so excited to be bringing you MORE helpful info about Trademarks… watch for a free trademark class COMING SOON!
So keep your eyes peeled for more of Lisa’s Legal Tips – and more Trademark info to come!
THANK YOU for making this much clearer for the unannointed!
Lisa…thanks for clearing up some misunderstood or unknown information about trademarks. Very important info to know.
great information that is much-needed – thank you so much Lisa!