Have you been on Periscope yet?
It’s the hottest social media platform that Twitter just launched in March. I have been playing with it and absolutely love doing videos on the fly!
Periscope is a new way to share live broadcasts with people around the world. It lets you interact together in real time so you can talk to each other LIVE, answer questions, and comment to listeners. #sofreakingcool
I shared this broadcast not too long ago, and I realized that the content in this 7-minute video could be super helpful for you too (as long as you dig raw footage with live interaction!)
I call this video Legal Tip: “The #1 way legal documents protect you that will completely surprise you!”
(You’ll never guess what it is…)
Watch now and find me on Periscope @lisa_fraley for future broadcasts.
It’s so important to limit your liability and keep people from suing you by putting your policies in writing to protect you and your business. Things like…
- Your refund policy
- Your payment policy
- Your client agreements
But there is a surprising benefit about putting legal documents in place that most people never suspect….
Did you know that legal documents help YOU get clear?
- Clear about your policies.
- Clear about your boundaries.
- Clear about your offers.
In fact, I was working with a client the other day BEFORE we prepared the legal document and she said,
“Lisa, it’s astounding to me that this process actually just helps me get clear on what it is exactly that I want to offer in my program. Just talking with you and going through the Prep Sheet has helped me get clear on my refund policy, how payment installments work, and what happens if someone misses a call.”
It was a total paradigm shift for her. #lightbulbmoment
Part of the purpose of your documents is to spell the details about your policies for your clients. But, what people don’t realize is that YOU need to be clear first as to what each of these policies are BEFORE you even put them in writing.
No one ever thinks about getting clarity FIRST. #bingo
Your next steps:
- Check out the video now to see how getting clear yourself not only helps protect your buns, but helps to raise your spiritual vibe as an entrepreneur.
- Take a peek at your own legal documents and ask yourself, “Do these documents make my policies, boundaries and offerings CLEAR?”
Annnnd…. if you don’t have any legal documents, then hop over to lisafraley.com and check out info on getting a Website Disclaimer, Client Agreement, and Website Terms + Conditions so you can get legally covered.
Here’s to Periscope, doing videos on the fly, and getting clear BEFORE you draft your legal documents!